الكتاب الأقدس
The Holy Book
Kitab Al Aqdas
Kitab i Aqdas
Literal English Translation
بسمه الحاكم على ما كان وما يكون
In the name of The Ruler over whatever was and whatever will be
ان اوّل ما كتب الله على العباد
Indeed firstly whatever God has written upon the servants
عرفان مشرق وحيه ومطلع امره
to recognize bright Revelation and to rise His order
الّذي كان مقام نفسه في عالم الامر والخلق
which was from His own place from the work of universe and creation.
من فاز به قد فاز بكلّ الخير
Whoever attains from it, has attained all goodness,
والّذي منع انّه من اهل الضّلال
and who is deprived, Indeed he is from the misled ones,
ولو يأتي بكلّ الاعمال
even if they come with all deeds.
اذا فزتم بهذا المقام الاسنى والافق الاعلى
when you attain by this noble place and the highest horizon,
ينبغي لكلّ نفس ان يتّبع ما امر به من لدى المقصود
it is appropriate for everyone to follow whatever is ordered from it , from the Intended one,
لانّهما معاً لا يقبل احدهما دون الاخر
because both of them are together, any one of them will not be accepted without the other.
هذا ما حكم به مطلع الالهام
This is what is ordered by the Riser of the revelations.
انّ الّذين اوتوا بصائر من الله
Indeed, those who are given sights from God.
يرون حدود الله السّبب الاعظم
they see the limitations of God for the great cause
لنظم العالم وحفظ الامم
to organize the world and to protect the nation,
والّذي غفل انّه من همج رعاع
and who is negligent, Indeed he is from the worthless crowd.
انّا امرناكم بكسر حدودات النّفس والهوى لا ما رقم من القلم الاعلى
Indeed, We have instructed you to break the limitations of selfness and desires, which were not written by the Supreme Pen,
انّه لروح الحيوان لمن في الامكان
indeed these are the spirit of life, for those who are from the possibilities.
قد ماجت بحور الحكمة والبيان
Arrived the seas of wisdom and statement,
بما هاجت نسمة الرّحمن
because the breeze of The Gracious has blown,
اغتنموا يا اولي الالباب
Grasp it, O the people of wisdom.
ان الّذين نكثوا عهد الله في اوامره
Indeed those who break the covenant of God from His ordinances
ونكصوا على اعقابهم
and they turn on their backs.
اولئك من اهل الضّلال لدى الغنيّ المتعال
Those are from the misled ones, before the Exalted Rich.
يا ملأ الارض اعلموا انّ اوامري سرج عنايتي بين عبادي
O multitude of the Earth! know that My Commandments are the Lamps of My providence among My servants
ومفاتيح رحمتي لبريّتي
and the keys of My blessings are for My creation,
كذلك نزّل الامر من سمآء مشيّة ربّكم مالك الاديان
Thus was the command sent down from the heaven of the will of your Lord, the Owner of religions.
لو يجد احد حلاوة البيان
If anyone gets the sweetness of Statement
الّذي ظهر من فم مشيّة الرّحمن
which appeared from the mouth of the will of Gracious one,
لينفق ما عنده ولو يكون خزآئن الأرض كلّها
he shall spend whatever he has, even if they were the treasures of the whole earth,
ليثبت امراً من اوامره المشرقة من افق العناية والالطاف
to establish a command from His bright Commandments from the horizon of care and kindness.
قل من حدودي يمرّ عرف قميصي
Say! from My Commandments passes the fragrance of My Gown,
وبها تنصب اعلام النّصر على القنن والاتلال
and by them erected the flags of victory over the codification and peaks.
قد تكلّم لسان قدرتي في جبروت عظمتي مخاطباً لبريّتي
The tongue of My Power has spoken, in the dictatorship of My Greatness, addressed to My Creature,
ان اعملوا حدودي حبّاً لجمالي طوبى لحبيب
act upon My commandments, for the Love of My Beauty, Blessings are for the lover.
وجد عرف المحبوب من هذه الكلمة
Lover has found the understanding from these Words,
الّتي فاحت منها نفحات الفضل على شأن
whose fragrance has its gifts of favor, upon such a rank that
لا توصف بالاذكار
you cannot describe it by words.
لعمري من شرب رحيق الانصاف من ايادي الالطاف
By My life! whoever drinks the nectar of Justice from the kind hands,
انّه يطوف حول اوامري المشرقة من افق الابداع
indeed he will be moving around My bright Commandments from the horizon of innovation.
لا تحسبنّ انّا نزّلنا لكم الاحكام
Do not think that We have sent down the Orders for you
بل فتحنا ختم الرّحيق المختوم
rather We opened the stamped nectar, the sealed one,
باصابع القدرة والاقتدار
by the fingers of power and ability
يشهد بذلك ما نزّل من قلم الوحي
witnessing this what was sent down from the revealed Pen.
تفكّروا يا اولي الافكار
Contemplate ! O thoughtful people.
قد كتب عليكم الصّلوة تسع ركعات لله منزل الايات
Written upon you the prayer of nine bows for God, the sender of the verses,
حين الزّوال وفي البكور والاصال
during noon and in the beginning and evening,
وعفونا عدّة اخرى امراً في كتاب الله
and We exempted the other numbers, ordered in the Book of God.
انّه لهو الامر المقتدر المختار
Indeed He is, who is the Dictator, the Competent the Preferred one.
واذا اردتم الصّلوة ولّوا وجوهكم شطري الاقدس المقام
and whenever you intend to pray, turn your faces towards the Holiest place.
المقدّس الّذي جعله الله مطاف الملأ الاعلى
The Holy, which God has made to move around the supreme assembly,
ومقبل اهل مدآئن البقآء
and the future of the people of eternal cities,
ومصدر الامرلمن في الارضين والسّموات
and the source of the ordinance for the lands and skies.
وعند غروب شمس الحقيقة والتّبيان
and along the sunset, are the truth and explanation,
المقرّ الّذي قدّرناه لكم
that established, which We established it for you.
انّه لهو العزيز العلاّم
Indeed He is, who is the Dearest Omniscient.
كلّ شيء تحقّق بامره المبرم
Everything is verified by this order, the approved one,
اذا اشرقت من افق البيان شمس الاحكام
when illuminated from the horizon of Bayan, the sun of the ordinances,
لكلّ ان يتّبعوها
everyone should follow them,
ولو بامر تنفطر عنه سموات افئدة الاديان
even if by this work, cleft upon you the heavens of the religion’s feeling.
انّه يفعل ما يشآء
Indeed, He does whatever He wants,
ولا يسئل عمّا شآء
and cannot be questioned whatever was wanted,
وما حكم به المحبوب
and what is ordered by the Beloved
انّه لمحبوب ومالك الاختراع
indeed He is the Beloved and Owner of the creation.
ان الّذي وجد عرف الرّحمن
Indeed who got the fragrance of the Gracious One,
وعرف مطلع هذا البيان
and recognized this rising Statement,
انّه يستقبل بعينيه السّهام لاثبات الاحكام بين الانام
indeed they will accept, with the arrows of eyes, to prove the orders among the living beings.
طوبى لمن اقبل وفاز بفصل الخطاب
Blessings are for those one who accept and attain by the described message.
قد فصّلنا الصّلوة في ورقة اخرى
We have described the Prayer in other papers.
طوبى لمن عمل بما امر به من لدن مالك الرّقاب
Blessings are for those who act upon as is ordered by it, from the Owner of the necks.
قد نزّلت في صلوة الميّت ستّ تكبيرات من الله منزل الايات
Sent down upon you the funeral prayer with six magnifications, the verses sent down from God
والّذي عنده علم القرآئة له ان يقرء ما نزّل قبلها
and who has knowledge of recitation, it is for him to recite what is sent down before this,
والاّ عفا الله عنه انّه لهو العزيز الغفّار
otherwise God exempted from that, indeed He is, who is the Dearest Forgiver.
لا يبطل الشّعر صلوتكم
Hair do not invalidate your prayers,
ولا ما منع عن الرّوح مثل العظام وغيرها
and nor which are deprived of spirit, like bones beside this.
البسوا السّمّور كما تلبسون الخزّ والسّنجاب وما دونهما
Wear sable like you wear marten and squirrels and other then these,
انّه ما نهي في الفرقان ولكن اشتبه على العلمآء
Indeed these are not forbidden in the Furqan but suspected by the scholars,
انّه لهو العزيز العلاّم
Indeed He is, who is the Dearest Omniscient.
قد فرض عليكم الصّلوة والصّوم
Imposed upon you the Prayer and Fasting
من اوّل البلوغ امراً من لدى الله
from the beginning of maturity, Ordered from the side of God
ربّكم وربّ ابآئكم الاوّلين
Your Lord and the Lord of your earlier forefathers.
من كان في نفسه ضعف من المرض او الهرم
Whoever is weak from his body, by illness or old age,
عفا الله عنه فضلاً من عنده
God exempted from this , from the favor of His side.
انّه لهو الغفور الكريم
Indeed He is, who is the Bountiful Forgiver.
قد اذن الله لكم السّجود على كلّ شيء طاهر
God has permitted you to prostrate on every clean thing
ورفعنا عنه حكم الحدّ في الكتاب
and We have lifted from them the decree of limitation in the Book.
انّ الله يعلم وانتم لا تعلمون
Indeed God Knows and you do not know.
من لم يجد المآء يذكر خمس مرّات
Whoever does not find water, remember five times,
بسم الله الاطهر الاطهر
“In the name of God the Purest the Purest,”
ثمّ يشرع في العمل
then perform the deed,
هذا ما حكم به مولى العالمين
this is what is ordered by the Lord of Universes.
والبلدان الّتي طالت فيها اللّيالي والايّام
And those cities of which nights and days are longer
فليصلّوا بالسّاعات والمشاخص الّتي منها تحدّدت الاوقات
then they should pray by the clocks and objects with which the times could be defined.
انّه لهو المبيّن الحكيم
Indeed He is, who is the Obvious Wise one.
قد عفونا عنكم صلوة الآيات
We have exempted you from the prayer of signs,
اذا ظهرت اذكروا الله بالعظمة والاقتدار
whenever they appear, remember God with greatness and ability.
انّه هو السّميع البصير
Indeed He is, who is the Listener and Watcher.
قولوا العظمة لله
Say the Greatness be to God,
ربّ ما يرى وما لا يرى ربّ العالمين
The Lord, of whatever is seen and whatever is unseen, Lord of the Universes.
كتب عليكم الصّلوة فرادى
Written upon you to pray lonely.
قد رفع حكم الجماعة
Lifted the ordinance of assembly
الاّ في صلوة الميّت انّه لهو الامر الحكيم
except the funeral prayer, indeed He is, who is the Wise one Dictator.
قد عفا الله عن النّسآء حين ما يجدن الدّم الصّوم والصّلوة
God has exempted women, when they receive blood, from fasting and prayer,
ولهنّ ان يتوضّأن ويسبّحن خمساً وتسعين مرّة من زوال إلى زوال
and they should perform ablution and praise ninety five times from falling to end,
سبحان الله ذي الطّلعة والجمال
“Praise be to God whose are Loftiness and Beauties .”
هذا ما قدّر في الكتاب ان انتم من العالمين
This is which is established in the book, if you are from the knowing ones.
ولكم ولهنّ في الاسفار
and for you and for women on travel
اذا نزلتم واسترحتم المقام الامن
When you arrive and you relax at a peaceful location,
مكان كلّ صلوة سجدة واحدة واذكروا فيها
in place of all prayers is one prostration, and remember in it,
سبحان الله ذي العظمة والاجلال والموهبة والافضال
“Praise be to God whose are greatness and majesties and gifts and favors.”
والّذي عجز يقول سبحان الله انّه يكفيه بالحقّ
And who is incapable, should say “Praise be to God”. Indeed that is enough with the truth,
الرّحيم انّه لهو الكافي الباقي الغفور
Indeed He is, who is the Sufficient, the Remainder, the Merciful Forgiver.
وبعد اتمام السّجود لكم ولهنّ ان تقعدوا على هيكل التّوحيد
And after completion of prostrations for you and for her, to sit as a structure of monotheism ,
وتقولوا ثماني عشرة مرّة
and you should say eighteen times
سبحان الله ذي الملك والملكوت
“Praise be to God whose are King and kingdom.”
كذلك يبيّن الله سبل الحقّ والهدى
Thus God describes the way of truth and guidance,
وانّها انتهت إلى سبيل واحد وهو هذا الصّراط المستقيم
and by this completed towards the first way, and that is, this straight way.
اشكروا الله بهذا الفضل العظيم
Thank God for this greatest favor.
احمدوا الله بهذه الموهبة الّتي احاطت السّموات والارضين
Praise God for this Gift which encompassed the skies and lands.
اذكروا الله بهذه الرّحمة الّتي سبقت العالمين
Remember God for this Blessing which preceded the universes.
قل قد جعل الله مفتاح الكنز حبّي المكنون لو انتم تعرفون
Say! God has made the Key of treasure, the hidden love of Mine, if you could understand.
لولا المفتاح لكان مكنوناً في ازل الازال لو انتم توقنو ن
If there were no key, it would have been hidden from ever forever, if you could believe.
قل هذا لمطلع الوحي ومشرق الاشراق
Say! this is to understand the Revelation and the bright morning,
الّذي به اشرقت الافاق لو انتم تعلمون
that by which the horizons are illuminated, if you could know,
انّ هذا لهو القضآء المثبت وبه ثبت كلّ قضآء محتوم
Indeed this is, which is the proven judgment, and by this proved all inevitable judgment.
يا قلم الاعلى قل يا ملأ الانشآء
O Supreme Pen! say O multitude of the creation
قد كتبنا عليكم الصّيام ايّاماً معدودات
We have written upon you Fasting for counted days,
وجعلنا النّيروز عيداً لكم بعد اكمالها
and We established New year’s day, a festival for you, after its completion.
كذلك اضآئت شمس البيان من افق الكتاب
Thus shone the sun of the Statement, from the horizon of the book,
من لدن مالك المبدء والمآب
from the side of the Owner of origin and end.
واجعلوا الايّام الزّآئدة عن الشّهور قبل شهر الصّيام
And place extra days from the months before the month of fasting,
انّا جعلناها مظاهر الهآء بين اللّيالي والايّام
indeed We established them manifestations of Ha, between the nights and days,
لذا ما تحدّدت بحدود السّنة والشّهور
so which were defined by the limits of year and months,
ينبغي لاهل البهاء ان يطعموا فيها انفسهم
it is appropriate for the glorified ones to eat in these themselves,
وذوي القربى ثمّ الفقرآء والمساكين
and among the relatives then the poor and the needy
ويهلّلنّ ويكبّرنّ ويسبّحنّ ويمجّدنّ
and they should glorify and exalt and praise and admire
ربّهم بالفرح والانبساط
their Lord, with joy and pleasure.
واذا تمّت ايّام الاعطآء قبل الامساك
And when completed the given days before the restrictions
فليدخلنّ في الصّيام كذلك حكم مولى الانام
they should enter upon the fasting , thus ordered the Lord of the living beings.
ليس على المسافر والمريض والحامل والمرضع من حرج
No objection on the travelers and the patients and the pregnant ones and the feeding ones,
عفا الله عنهم فضلاً من عنده
God exempted them, a favor from His side.
انّه لهو العزيز الوهّاب
Indeed He is, who is the Dearest the Generous.
هذه حدود الله الّتي رقمت من القلم الاعلى في الزّبر والالواح
These are the limitations of God which were written by the Supreme Pen, in the Scriptures and Tablets,
تمسّكوا باوامر الله واحكامه
hold fast to the ordinances of God and His commandments
ولا تكونوا من الّذين اخذوا اصول انفسهم
and be not of those who hold principles from themselves
ونبذوا اصول الله ورآئهم
and leave the principles of God behind them
بما اتّبعوا الظّنون والاوهام
because they follow the assumptions and illusions.
كفّوا انفسكم عن الاكل والشّرب من الطّلوع إلى الافول
Restrain yourself from eating and drinking from rising to sunset,
ايّاكم ان يمنعكم الهوى عن هذا الفضل الّذي قدّر في الكتاب
beware lest your desires prevent you from this favor which is established in the Book.
قد كتب لمن دان بالله الدّيّان
Written for those who feel the religion of God
ان يغسل في كلّ يوم يديه ثمّ وجهه
that they should wash every day their hands then their face,
ويقعد مقبلاً الى الله ويذكر خمساً وتسعين مرّة الله ابهى
and sit before God, and remember ninety five times, God is Glorious.
كذلك حكم فاطر السّماء
Thus ordered the Creator of the sky
اذ استوى على اعراش الاسمآء بالعظمة والاقتدار
when He seated over the Throne of the names with the Greatness and Ability,
كذلك توضّأوا للصّلوة امراً من الله الواحد المختار
Likewise you perform ablution for the prayers, an ordinance from God, the One the Preferred one.
قد حرّم عليكم القتل والزّنا ثمّ الغيبة والافترآء
Forbidden upon you the murder and adultery then backbiting and slandering,
اجتنبوا عمّا نهيتم عنه في الصّحآئف والالواح
avoid whatever is prohibited to you from those Scriptures and Tablets.
قد قسمنا المواريث على عدد الزّاء
We have divided the inheritances by the numbers of Z,
منها قدّر لذرّيّاتكم من كتاب الطّآء على عدد المقت
in which it is established for your offspring from the writing of T by the disliked numbers,
وللازواج من كتاب الحآء على عدد التّآء والفآء
and for the spouses from the writing of H by the numbers of T and F
وللابآء من كتاب الزّآء على عدد التّآء والكّاف
and for the father from the writing of Z by the numbers of T and K
وللامّهات من كتاب الواو على عدد الرّفيع
and for the mothers from the writing of W by the sublime numbers
وللاخوان من كتاب الهآء عدد الشّين
and for the brothers from the writing of H the numbers of S
وللاخوات من كتاب الدّال عدد الرّآء والميم
and for the sisters from the writing of D the numbers of R and M
وللمعلّمين من كتاب الجيم عدد القاف والفآء
and for the teachers from the writing of G the numbers of Q and F
كذلك حكم مبشّري الّذي يذكرني في اللّيالي والاسحار
Thus ordered My missionary whom I remember in My nights and dawns.
انّا لمّا سمعنا ضجيج الذّرّيّات في الاصلاب
Indeed when We heard the noise of offspring from the spine,
زدنا ضعف ما لهم ونقصنا عن الاخرى
We increased to double their wealth and reduced from others
انّه لهو المقتدر على ما يشآء يفعل بسلطانه كيف اراد
Indeed He is, who is the Competent over whatever He wants, He acts by His authority as He intend.
من مات ولم يكن له ذرّيّة ترجع حقوقهم الى بيت العدل
Whoever dies and has no offspring, revert their rights towards House of Justice,
ليصرفوها امنآء الرّحمن في الايتام والارامل
so that it should be spent by the trustees of the Gracious One for the orphans and the widows,
وما ينتفع به جمهور النّاس
and which give benefit by it to the majority of the human beings ,
ليشكروا ربّهم العزيز الغفّار
to thank their Lord, the Dearest Forgiver.
والّذي له ذرّيّة ولم يكن ما دونها عما حدّد في الكتاب
And who has offspring and non is there except those who are mentioned in the book,
يرجع الثّلثان ممّا تركه الى الذّرّيّة
two-third should revert from whatever is his legacy to the offspring,
والثّلث الى بيت العدل
and one-third to the house of justice,
كذلك حكم الغنيّ المتعال بالعظمة والاجلال
Thus ordered the Exalted Rich with the Greatness and Majesty.
والّذي لم يكن له من يرثه
And who does not have any of his heirs,
وكان له ذو القربى من ابنآء الاخ والاخت وبناتهما
and have their relatives from the sons of brother and sister and the daughters of both of them,
فلهم الثّلثان وإلاّ للاعمام والاخوال والعمّات والخالات
two-third is for them, otherwise for the paternal and maternal uncles and paternal and maternal aunts,
وبعدهنّ لابنآئهم وابنآئهنّ وبناتهم وبناتهنّ ومن بعدهم
and after these paternal and after these maternal, for the sons and daughters of these paternal and sons and daughters of these maternal,
والثّلث يرجع إلى مقرّ العدل
and one-third reverts to the established justice.
امراً في الكتاب من لدى الله مالك الرّقاب
Ordered in the Book, from the side of God, the Owner of the necks.
من مات ولم يكن له احد من الّذين نزّلت اسمآئهم من القلم الاعلى
Whoever dies and there was no one for him, from those names which were sent down by the Supreme Pen
ترجع الاموال كلّها الى المقرّ المذكور
revert all of his wealth to the mentioned institute,
لتصرف فيما امر الله به انّه لهو المقتدر الامّار
to spend in it from the commandment of God, Indeed He is, who is the Competent Commander.
وجعلنا الدّار المسكونة والالبسة
And We established the dwelling house and the garments
المخصوصة للذّرّيّة من الذّكران دون الاناث والورّاث
especially for the offspring from the males, except the females and inheritors.
انّه لهو المعطي الفيّاض
Indeed He is, who is the Bountiful Grantor.
ان الّذي مات في ايّام والده وله ذرّيّة
Indeed who dies at the time of his father and he has offspring
اولئك يرثون ما لابيهم في كتاب الله
they are the inheritors of their father in the book of God,
اقسموا بينهم بالعدل الخالص
divide among them with pure justice.
كذلك ماج بحر الكلام وقذف لئالي الاحكام من لدن مالك الانام
Thus the sea of the words has surged, and the pearls of the commandments are ejecting, from the Owner of the living beings.
والّذي ترك ذرّيّة ضعافاً
And who leaves weak offspring,
سلّموا ما لهم الى امين ليتّجرلهم الى ان يبلغوا رشدهم
carry their wealth to the caretaker to trade from it until they reach their maturity,
او الى محلّ الشّراكة
or to the spot of the partnership,
ثمّ عيّنوا للامين حقّاً ممّا حصل من التّجارة والاقتراف
then fix a right for the caretaker, which is gained from the trade and shares.
كلّ ذلك بعد ادآء حقّ الله والدّيون لو تكون عليه
All of these are, after paying the right of God and liabilities if there are upon him,
وتجهيز الاسباب للكفن والدّفن
and the means of preparation for the shroud and burial,
وحمل الميّت بالعزّة والاعتزاز
and for carrying the dead with honor and dignity.
كذلك حكم مالك المبدء والمآب
Thus ordered the Owner of the origin and end.
قل هذا لهو العلم المكنون
Say this is, which is the hidden knowledge
الّذي لن يتغيّر لانّه بدء بالطّآء المدلّة على الاسم المخزون
which will never change, because it has started by the haughty Ta over the accumulated name,
الظّاهر الممتنع المنيع
The obvious, the Invincible Secure.
وما خصّصناه للذّرّيّات هذا من فضل الله عليهم
and whatever We allot for the offspring, this is from the favor of God upon them,
ليشكروا ربّهم الرّحمن الرّحيم
to thank their Lord , the Gracious the Merciful,
تلك حدود الله لا تعتدوها باهوآء انفسكم
These are the limitations of God, do not violate them by your own desires.
اتّبعوا ما امرتم به من مطلع البيان
Follow what is ordered to you from it, from the rising statement.
والمخلصون يرون حدود الله مآء الحيوان لاهل الاديان
And the sincere ones see the limitations of God, the water of life for the people of the religions,
ومصباح الحكمة والفلاح لمن في الارضين والسّموات
and the lamp of wisdom and prosperity for those who are in the lands and skies.
قد كتب الله على كلّ مدينة ان يجعلوا فيها بيت العدل
God has written over every city to establish in it house of justice,
ويجتمع فيه النّفوس على عدد البهآء
and should gather in it at the number of glorified people
وان ازداد لا بأس
and if they increase, it will not be wrong,
ويرون كانّهم يدخلون محضر الله العليّ الاعلى
and they should see as if they were entering before God, the Supreme Greatest.
ويرون من لا يرى
and they should see which is not considered.
وينبغي لهم ان يكونوا امنآء الرّحمن بين الامكان
And it is appropriate for them to be the trustees of the Gracious one among the possibilities,
ووكلآء الله لمن على الارض كلّها
and the lawyers of God for over His whole Earth.
ويشاوروا في مصالح العباد لوجه الله
And they should consult into the welfare of the servants, for the direction of God,
كما يشاورون في امورهم
as they consult in their affairs,
ويختاروا ما هو المختار
and should select which is preferable.
كذلك حكم ربّكم العزيز الغفّار
Thus ordered your Lord, the Dearest Forgiver.
ايّاكم ان تدعوا ما هو المنصوص في اللّوح
Beware! lest you call which is not described in the tablet.
اتّقوا الله يا اولي الانظار
Fear God, O people of vision.
يا ملأ الانشآء عمّروا بيوتاً باكمل ما يمكن في الامكان
O multitude of the creation! build houses completely which could be possible from the possibilities,
باسم مالك الاديان في البلدان
in the name of the Owner of religions in cities,
وزيّنوها بما ينبغي لها
and decorate it which is appropriate for it,
لا بالصّور والامثال
not with the pictures and models,
ثمّ اذكروا فيها ربّكم الرّحمن بالرّوح والرّيحان
then remember in it, your Gracious Lord, with the spirit and fragrance.
الا بذكره تستنير الصّدور وتقرّ الابصار
Behold! by remembering Him, the hearts are illuminated and the eyes are cooled.
قد حكم الله لمن استطاع منكم حجّ البيت
God has commanded to those who could afford Pilgrimage of House among you,
دون النّسآء عفا الله عنهنّ رحمة من عنده
except women, God has exempted them, a blessing from His side,
انّه لهو المعطي الوهّاب
Indeed He is, who is the Generous Grantor.
يا اهل البهآء قد وجب على كلّ واحد منكم
O the glorious one! it has been required from everyone of you
الاشتغال بامر من الامور من الصّنآئع والاقتراف وامثالها
to keep busy in work from the duties in the Industries and crafts and like them,
وجعلنا اشتغالكم بها نفس العبادة لله الحقّ
and by this, We established your engagements, a worship of the Self of God truly.
تفكّروا يا قوم في رحمة الله والطافه
Contemplate O nation! at the blessing of God and His kindness,
ثمّ اشكروه في العشيّ والاشراق
then thank Him in the evening and morning.
لا تضيّعوا اوقاتكم بالبطالة والكسالة
Do not waste your times by idleness and laziness
واشتغلوا بما ينتفع به انفسكم وانفس غيركم
and keep busy which is beneficial from it to yourself and others than yourself.
كذلك قضي الامر في هذا اللّوح
Thus completed the ordinance in this Tablet,
الّذي لاحت من افقه شمس الحكمة والتّبيان
which has shone from its horizon, the sun of the wisdom and demonstration.
ابغض النّاس عند الله من يقعد ويطلب
Disliked human beings near God who keep siting and demanding.
تمسّكوا بحبل الاسباب
Hold fast to the rope of sources,
متوكّلين على الله مسبّب الاسباب
trusting in God, the Motivator of the sources.
قد حرّم عليكم تقبيل الايادي في الكتاب
Forbidden upon you the kissing of the hands in the Book
هذا ما نهيتم عنه من لدن ربّكم العزيز الحكّام
that is, which is prohibited to you from this , from the side of your Lord the Dearest Ruler.
ليس لاحد ان يستغفر عند احد
Not for anyone to seek pardon from someone,
توبوا الى الله تلقآء انفسكم
repent to God by facing yourselves.
انّه لهو الغافر المعطي العزيز التّوّاب
Indeed He is, who is the Pardoner, the Grantor, the Dearest Forgiver.
يا عباد الرّحمن قوموا على خدمة الامر على شأن
O servants of the Gracious! stand up for the work of service upon such a rank that
لا تأخذكم الاحزان من الّذين كفروا بمطلع الايات
you do not take griefs from those who deny from the rising verses.
لمّا جآء الوعد وظهر الموعود
Whenever arrived the promise, and appeared the promised one,
اختلف النّاس وتمسّك كلّ حزب بما عنده من الظّنون والاوهام
the human beings opposed and every group held fast to whatever they had from the assumptions and illusions.
من النّاس من يقعد صفّ النّعال
from the human beings who sits in the rank of soles,
طلباً لصدر الجلال
demanding for the forefront of dignity.
قل من انت يا ايّها الغافل الغرّار
Say! who are you? O negligent illusive people!
ومنهم من يدّعي الباطن
and from them who claims the secret,
وباطن الباطن قل يا ايّها الكذّاب
and secret is the Secret, say! O lying people!
تالله ما عندك انّه من القشور
by God! whatever you have, indeed those are from the peels,
تركناها لكم كما تترك العظام للكلاب
We left them for you, as you left bones for the dogs.
تالله الحقّ لو يغسل احد ارجل العالم
By God it is true, if anyone washes the Scholar’s feet
ويعبد الله على الادغال والشّواجن والجبال
and worships God over the jungles and branches and mountains
والقنان والشّناخيب وعند كلّ حجر وشجر ومدر
and coops and headlands and over every rock and tree and mud,
ولا يتضوّع منه عرف رضآئي
and does not diffuse from him the fragrance of My satisfaction ,
لن يقبل ابداً هذا ما حكم به مولى الانام
it will never ever be accepted, this is what is ordered by the Lord of living beings.
كم من عبد اعتزل في جزآئر الهند
How many servants detached in the Indian Islands
ومنع عن نفسه ما احلّه الله له
and deprived themselves of what God had made lawful for them,
وحمل الرّياضات والمشقّات
and endured practices and hardships,
ولم يذكر عند الله منزل الايات
and did not remember the verses sent down from God.
لا تجعلوا الاعمال شرك الآمال
Do not make deeds, angles of polytheism
ولا تحرموا انفسكم عن هذا المآل
and do not deprive yourself of this wealth ,
الّذي كان امل المقرّبين في ازل الازال
which was desire of the closest ones, from ever forever.
قل روح الاعمال هو رضآئي
Say! the spirit of deeds, that is My satisfaction ,
وعلّق كلّ شيء بقبولي
and everything is attached with My acceptance.
اقرئوا الالواح لتعرفوا ما هو المقصود في كتب الله العزيز الوهّاب
Recite the tablets to understand that which is intended in the book of God, the Dearest the Generous.
من فاز بحبّي حقّ له ان يقعد على سرير العقيان في صدر الامكان
Whoever attains with My love, has a right to sit on the throne of pure gold from the forefront of the possibilities,
والّذي منع عنه لو يقعد على التّراب
and who is deprived of it, if he sits over the soil
انّه يستعيذ منه الى الله مالك الاديان
indeed it would seek protection from them towards God, the Owner of the religions.
من يدّعي امراً قبل اتمام الف سنة كاملة
Whoever claims the Ordinance before the completion of entire thousand years,
انّه كذّاب مفترٍ نسئل الله بان يؤيّده على الرّجوع
Indeed he is the liar, the fabricator of God’s descendants, because he assists them to turn away,
ان تاب انّه هو التّوّاب
If repents, Indeed He is the Forgiver,
وان اصرّ على ما قال يبعث عليه من لا يرحمه
and if persists on what he said, will be send upon him, who will have no mercy upon him.
انّه شديد العقاب
Indeed He is the severe Punishing one.
من يأوّل هذه الاية أو يفسّرها بغير ما نزّل في الظّاهر
Whoever interprets these verses or explains them, apart from what was sent down in apparent,
انّه محروم من روح الله ورحمته الّتي سبقت العالمين
indeed he will be deprived from the spirit of God and His blessings, which preceded over the universes.
خافوا الله ولا تتّبعوا ما عندكم من الاوهام
Fear God, and do not follow what you have from the illusions,
اتّبعوا ما يأمركم به ربّكم العزيز الحكيم
follow what is commanded to you by it, from your Lord the Dearest Wise one.
سوف يرتفع النّعاق من اكثر البلدان
furors will rise from many countries,
اجتنبوا يا قوم ولا تتّبعوا كلّ فاجر لئيم
avoid them O nation! and do not follow all adulterous wicked ones.
هذا ما اخبرناكم به اذ كنّا في العراق
This is what We informed you by this when We were from Iraq,
وفي ارض السّرّ وفي هذا المنظر المنير
and from the secret land and from this illuminated sight.
يا اهل الارض اذا غربت شمس جمالي
O people of the earth when departs the sun of My beauty
وسترت سماء هيكلي
and conceals the heaven of My structure,
لا تضطربوا قوموا على نصرة امري
do not panic, arise to assist on My ordinance,
وارتفاع كلمتي بين العالمين
and raise My Words among the universes.
انّا معكم في كلّ الاحوال وننصركم بالحقّ انّا كنّا قادرين
We are with you in all circumstances and We shall help you with the truth, Indeed We are the Capable ones.
من عرفني يقوم على خدمتي بقيام
whoever understands Me o nation ! to standup over My service,
لا تقعده جنود السّموات والارضين
cannot make him sit the troops of Skies and Lands.
انّ النّاس نيام لو انتبهوا سرعوا بالقلوب الى الله العليم الحكيم
Indeed human beings are sleeping, if they wake up, they will hasten by heart towards God, the Knowledgeable Wise one,
ونبذوا ما عندهم ولو كان كنوز الدّنيا كلّها
and will give up what they have, even it would be the treasures of the entire world,
ليذكرهم مولاهم بكلمة من عنده
so that their Lord remembers them, by the words from His own side.
كذلك ينبّئكم من عنده علم الغيب في لوح ما ظهر في الامكان
Thus you were informed from His side who has the knowledge of unknown from the tablet, which appears from the possibilities,
وما اطّلع به الاّ نفسه المهيمنة على العالمين
and whatever is informed by this, except by His own Self , The Dominant over the universes.
قد اخذهم سكر الهوى على شأن
They have taken to intoxication of desires upon such a rank that
لا يرون مولى الورى الّذي ارتفع ندآئه من كلّ الجهات
they do not see the Lord of the creature, whose call is rising from every direction.
لا اله الاّ انا العزيز الحكيم
There is no god except Me, the Dearest Wise one.
قل لا تفرحوا بما ملكتموه في العشيّ
Say! Do not rejoice for what you possess in the evening,
وفي الاشراق يملكه غيركم
and in the morning it would be possessed by other than you,
كذلك يخبركم العليم الخبير
Thus you are informed, the Knowledgeable Expert .
قل هل رأيتم لما عندكم من قرار او وفآء
Say! Have you seen whatever you have, any stable or loyal?
لا ونفسي الرّحمن لو انتم من المنصفين
No! By My Gracious Self, if you are from the justice ones.
تمرّ ايّام حيوتكم كما تمرّ الارياح
Move the days of your life as move the winds,
ويطوى بساط عزّكم كما طوي بساط الاوّلين
and rug of your honor will be folded up as folded up the rug of earlier ones,
تفكّروا يا قوم اين ايّامكم الماضية واين اعصاركم الخالية
Contemplate O nation! where are your past days and where are your empty cyclone?
طوبى لايّام مضت بذكر الله ولاوقات صرفت في ذكره الحكيم
Blessings are for those days which are spent in the remembrance of God, and for those times which are spent in the remembrance of the Wise one,
لعمري لا تبقى عزّة الاعزّآء ولا زخارف الاغنيآء
By My Life! neither the honor of the respectful will remain, and nor the adornment of the rich
ولا شوكة الاشقيآء سيفنى الكلّ بكلمة من عنده
and nor the power of the scamps, My sword is for everyone, with a word from His side,
انّه لهو المقتدر العزيز القدير
Indeed He is, who is the Competent the Dearest Capable.
لا ينفع النّاس ما عندهم من الاثاث
It will not benefit human beings what they have from the furnishings,
وما ينفعهم غفلوا عنه
and what will benefit them, they are negligent of that ,
سوف ينتبهون ولا يجدون ما فات عنهم
they will notice, and they will not get what has gone from them,
في ايّام ربّهم العزيز الحميد
in the days of their Lord, the Dearest Praiseworthy,
لو يعرفون ينفقون ما عندهم
if they had understood, they would have spent what they have,
لتذكر اسمآئهم لدى العرش
to be remembered their names before the Throne
الا انّهم من الميّتين
Behold! They are from the dead ones.
من النّاس من غرّته العلوم وبها منع عن اسمي القيّوم
From the human beings who is deceived by his knowledges and by this, is deprived of My Everlasting name
واذا سمع صوت النّعال عن خلفه
and when listen the sound of the soles from behind him,
يرى نفسه اكبر من نمرود
looks to himself greater then Nimrod.
قل اين هو يا ايّها المردود
Say! where is he O rejected ones ?
تالله انّه لفي اسفل الجحيم
By God! Indeed he is from the lowest hell.
قل يا معشر العلمآء اما تسمعون صرير قلمي الاعلى
Say! O group of the scholars, if you would listen to the squeaking of My Supreme Pen,
واما ترون هذه الشّمس المشرقة من الافق الابهى الى م
and if you would see this brightened Sun, from the Glorious horizon upto M,
اعتكفتم على اصنام اهوآئكم
You have secluded over the imagery of your desires,
دعوا الاوهام وتوجّهوا الى الله مولاكم القديم
leave the illusions and focus towards God, your Lord the Ancient one.
قد رجعت الاوقاف المختصّة للخيرات الى الله مظهر الايات
Endowments have been reverted especially for the charity towards God Manifester of the Verses,
ليس لاحد ان يتصرّف فيها الاّ بعد اذن مطلع الوحي
it is not for anyone to exceed from it, except after the permission of the Rising Revelation,
ومن بعده يرجع الحكم الى الاغصان
and after this, ordinance is to be reverted towards the branches,
ومن بعدهم الى بيت العدل ان تحقّق امره في البلاد
and after them towards house of justice if His ordinance is verified in the countries,
ليصرفوها في البقاع المرتفعة في هذا الامر
to spend them in the everlasting elevations from this ordinance,
وفيما امروا به من لدن مقتدر قدير
and which is ordered from it, from the side of the Competent Capable,
والاّ ترجع الى اهل البهاء الّذين لا يتكلّمون الاّ بعد اذنه
otherwise revert to the glorified people, those who do not speak except after His permission,
ولا يحكمون الاّ بما حكم الله في هذا اللّوح
and they do not command except whatever God commanded from this tablet.
اولئك اولياء النّصر بين السّموات والارضين
these are the guardians of success among the skies and the lands,
ليصرفوها فيما حدّد في الكتاب من لدن عزيز كريم
to spend them, from what is mentioned in the book, from the side of the Dearest Bountiful.
لا تجزعوا في المصآئب ولا تفرحوا
Do not grieve in the troubles and nor rejoice,
ابتغوا امراً بين الامرين هو التّذكّر في تلك الحالة
adopt the work between the both works, that is to recall on this situation,
والتّنبّه على ما يرد عليكم في العاقبة
and be careful on what reacted upon you from the result.
كذلك ينبّئكم العليم الخبير
Thus informs you, the Knowledgeable Expert .
لا تحلقوا رؤسكم قد زيّنها الله بالشّعر
Do not shave your heads, God has decorated them with the hair,
وفي ذلك لايات لمن ينظر الى مقتضيات الطّبيعة
and in theses there are signs for those who look towards the natural requirements,
من لدن مالك البريّة انّه لهو العزيز الحكيم
from the side of the Owner of the creature, indeed He is, who is the Dearest Wise one,
ولا ينبغي ان يتجاوز عن حدّ الاذان
and it is not appropriate to increase over the limit of ears,
هذا ما حكم به مولى العالمين
This is what is ordered by the Lord of universes.
قد كتب على السّارق النّفي والحبس
Written upon the thief the banishment and imprisonment
وفي الثّالث فاجعلوا في جبينه علامة يعرف بها
and for the third time make on his forehead a mark, to be recognize by this,
لئلاّ تقبله مدن الله ودياره
Lest accept him the city of God and His dwellers.
ايّاكم ان تأخذكم الرّأفة في دين الله
Beware! lest you take clemency in the religion of God,
اعملوا ما امرتم به من لدن مشفق رحيم
Act upon what is commanded to you from this, from the side of the Merciful Compassionate.
انّا ربّيناكم بسياط الحكمة والاحكام حفظاً لانفسكم
We nurture you by the whips of wisdom and Ordinances, for protecting yourselves,
وارتفاعاً لمقاماتكم كما يربّي الابآء ابنآئهم
and to raise your position, like a father nurtures his sons.
لعمري لو تعرفون ما اردناه لكم من اوامرنا المقدّسة
By My life! If they could understand what We intended for you, from Our Holy Ordinances,
لتفدون ارواحكم لهذا الامر المقدّس العزيز المنيع
You must have dedicated your soul for this ordinance, the Sacred the Dearest Secure.
من اراد ان يستعمل اواني الذّهب والفضّة لا بأس عليه
Whoever wants to use the utensils of gold and silver, there is no ban on them.
ايّاكم ان تنغمس اياديكم في الصّحاف والصّحان
Beware! Lest you dip your hands in the platters and bowls
خذوا ما يكون اقرب الى اللّطافة
adopt which is nearer to the gentleness.
انّه اراد ان يراكم على اداب اهل الرّضوان في ملكوته الممتنع المنيع
Indeed He wants to show you the manners of the favorite people in His kingdom, the Invincible Secure.
تمسّكوا باللّطافة في كلّ الاحوال
Hold fast to the gentleness under all circumstances,
لئلاّ تقع العيون على ما تكرهه انفسكم واهل الفردوس
lest the eyes locate those whom you dislike yourself and the people of Paradise.
والّذي تجاوز عنها يحبط عمله في الحين
And who transgresses from this, his deeds will be frustrated at once,
وان كان له عذر يعفو الله عنه انّه لهو العزيز الكريم
and if there is excuse for him, God exempted him, Indeed He is, who is the Dearest Bountiful.
ليس لمطلع الامر شريك في العصمة الكبرى
It is not to understand the work of associate in the greatest infallibility.
انّه لمظهر يفعل ما يشآء في ملكوت الانشآء
Indeed He is the Manifest, does whatever He wants in the kingdom of creation,
قد خصّ الله هذا المقام لنفسه
God has reserved this position for Himself
وما قدّر لاحد نصيب من هذا الشّأن العظيم المنيع
and it is not establish for anyone destiny from this Greatest Secure Rank ,
هذا امر الله قد كان مستوراً في حجب الغيب
This is the ordinance of God, was already concealed by the unknown veil
اظهرناه في هذا الظّهور
We have manifested it by this Manifestation,
وبه خرقنا حجاب الّذين ما عرفوا حكم الكتاب وكانوا من الغافلين
and by this, We tore the veils of those who did not understand the ordinance of the Book and were from the negligent ones.
كتب على كلّ اب تربية ابنه وبنته بالعلم والخطّ
Written upon every father, to train his sons and his daughters with the knowledge and writing
ودونهما عمّا حدّد في اللّوح
and beside both of them whatever is mentioned in the Tablet,
والّذي ترك ما امر به
and who leaves whatever is ordered by it,
فللامنآء ان يأخذوا منه ما يكون لازماً لتربيتهما ان كان غنيّاً
then for the trustees, that they adopt from that what is essential for the training of both of them, if they are rich.
والاّ يرجع الى بيت العدل انّا جعلناه مأوى الفقرآء والمساكين
Otherwise, should be reverted to the House of justice, Indeed We established it, abode of the poor and the needy.
انّ الّذي ربّى ابنه او ابناً من الابنآء
Indeed who nurtures his children, or children from the children,
كانّه ربّى احد ابنآئي عليه بهآئي وعنايتي ورحمتي الّتي سبقت العالمين
likewise he nurtured anyone of my children, My Glory upon him and My providence and My blessing which preceded the over the universes.
قد حكم الله لكلّ زانٍ وزانية دية مسلّمة الى بيت العدل
God has commanded for every adulterer and adulteress an axiom fine to the house of justice,
وهي تسعة مثاقيل من الذّهب
and that is nine mithqals from gold,
وان عادا مرّة اخرى عودوا بضعف الجزآء
and if repeated second time, enhance with the double penalty.
هذا ما حكم به مالك الاسماء في الاولى
This is what is ordered by the Owner of the names from the beginning
وفي الاخرى قدّر لهما عذاب مهين
and in the hereafter, established for both of them, the disgraceful punishment.
من ابتلي بمعصية فله ان يتوب ويرجع الى الله
Whoever afflicts by the wrongdoing, then it is for him to repent and revert towards God
انّه يغفر لمن يشآء ولا يسئل عمّا شآء
Indeed He forgives whom He wants , and it con not be questioned whatever was wanted,
انّه لهو التّوّاب العزيز الحميد
Indeed He is, who is the Forgiver, the Dearest Praiseworthy.
ايّاكم ان تمنعكم سبحات الجلال عن زلال هذا السّلسال
Beware! Lest the praises of dignity prevent you from This crystal fresh cool water.
خذوا اقداح الفلاح في هذا الصّباح باسم فالق الاصباح
Hold the cups of prosperity in this morning, in the name of the Splitter of mornings.
ثمّ اشربوا بذكره العزيز البديع
Then drink in the remembrance of Him, the Dearest Admirable.
انّـا حلّلنا لكم اصغآء الاصوات والنّغمات
We have made lawful for you to listen tones and melodies,
ايّـاكم ان يخرجكم الاصغآء عن شأن الادب والوقار
Beware! lest the listening departs you from the affair of the manners and the dignity.
افرحوا بفرح اسمي الاعظم الّذي به تولّهت الافئدة وانجذبت عقول المقرّبين
Rejoice by the joy of My Greatest name, by which the feelings are fascinated , and the minds of the nearest ones are attracted .
انّـا جعلناه مرقاة لعروج الارواح الى الافق الاعلى
Indeed We established them the stairs, for the spirits to climb towards the Highest Horizon.
لا تجعلوه جناح النّفس والهوى
Do not make them the wings of selfness and desires,
انّـي اعوذ ان تكونوا من الجاهلين
I seek refuge lest you be from the ignorant ones.
قد ارجعنا ثلث الدّيات كلّها الى مقرّ العدل
We have reverted one third of all of their fines, all of these towards the established justice,
ونوصي رجاله بالعدل الخالص ليصرفوا ما اجتمع عندهم
and We advised their men for pure justice to spend it which is collected by them,
فيما امروا به من لدن عليم حكيم
as it is ordered from it, from the side of the Wise Knowledgeable.
يا رجال العدل كونوا رعاة اغنام الله في مملكته
O men of justice! be shepherds of God’s sheep in His kingdom,
واحفظوهم عن الذّئاب الّذين ظهروا بالاثواب
and protect them from the wolves, those who appear with the garments,
كما تحفظون ابنآئكم
as you protect your children.
كذلك ينصحكم النّاصح الامين
Thus advises you, the Trustee Adviser.
اذا اختلفتم في امر فارجعوه الى الله
When you differ in the ordinance, then revert them towards God,
ما دامت الشّمس مشرقة من افق هذه السّمآء
as long as brighten the sun from the horizon of this heaven,
واذا غربت ارجعوا الى ما نزّل من عنده انّه ليكفي العالمين
and when it sets, revert to which is sent down from Him, Indeed He is although the Sufficient for the universes.
قل يا قوم لا يأخذكم الاضطراب اذا غاب ملكوت ظهوري
Say O Nation! Do not you take to turmoil, when the Kingship of My Manifestation would disappear,
وسكنت امواج بحر بياني
and stay the waves of the sea of My Statement.
انّ في ظهوري لحكمة وفي غيبتي حكمة اخرى
Indeed, in My Manifestation, there is wisdom and in My Disappearance, there is another wisdom,
ما اطّلع بها الاّ الله الفرد الخبير
it is not known except to God, the Solitary Expert ,
ونراكم من افقي الابهى
and We shall show you from the Glorious horizon,
وننصر من قام على نصرة امري
and We shall assist, who will stand to assist My Commandment,
بجنود من الملأ الاعلى وقبيل من الملئكة المقرّبين
with the troops from the supreme assembly, and from the tribes of the nearest angels.
يا ملأ الارض تالله الحقّ قد انفجرت من الاحجار الانهار
O multitude of the Earth! By God it is true, the streams have gushed out from the stones,
العذبة السّآئغة بما اخذتها حلاوة بيان ربّكم المختار وانتم من الغافلين
the fresh palatable because they have taken the sweetness of Statement , your Lord is the Preferred One and you are from the negligent ones.
دعوا ما عندكم ثمّ طيروا بقوادم الانقطاع فوق الابداع
Leave what you have, then fly with the pinions of detachment, above the innovation.
كذلك يأمركم مالك الاختراع
Thus commands you, Owner of the creation
الّذي بحركة قلمه قلّب العالمين
Who is, by the movement of His Pen, turning the universes.
هل تعرفون من ايّ افق يناديكم ربّكم الابهى
Do you understand from which horizon, is calling you , your Glorious Lord ?
وهل علمتم من اي قلم يأمركم ربّكم مالك الاسمآء
and do you know from which Pen your Lord is commanding you, the Owner of the names?
لا وعمري لو عرفتم لتركتم الدّنيا مقبلين بالقلوب الى شطر المحبوب
No, By My life,! If you had understood, you must have forsaken the world, desiring by the hearts, towards the direction of Beloved,
واخذكم اهتزاز الكلمة على شأن
and you had taken the shocking words upon such a rank that
يهتزّ منه العالم الاكبر وكيف هذا العالم الصّغير
the Greatest Kingdom would have shaken from this, and how is this lowest kingdom ?
كذلك هطلت من سمآء عنايتي امطار مكرمتي
Thus gushes, from the heaven of My providence, rain of My Generosity,
فضلاً من عندي لتكونوا من الشّاكرين
favor from My side, so you could be from the thankful ones.
وامّا الشّجاج والضّرب تختلف احكامهما باختلاف مقاديرهما
And either the head fractures or beating, there are different ordinances for both of them by their different measures,
وحكم الدّيان لكلّ مقدار دية معيّنة
and ordinance to the religions , for every measurement there is an established fine,
انّه لهو الحاكم العزيز المنيع
Indeed He is, who is the Ruler, the Dearest Secure.
لو نشآء نفصّلها بالحقّ
If We wish, We shall clarify them with the truth,
وعداً من عندنا انّه لهو الموفي العليم
It is promise from Our side, Indeed He is, who is the Fulfiller the Knowledgeable,
قد رقم عليكم الضّيافة في كلّ شهر مرّة واحدة
Written upon you the Feast, in every month, one time,
ولو بالمآء ان الله اراد ان يؤلّف بين القلوب
even if it would be with the water, Indeed God wants unity among the hearts,
ولو باسباب السّموات والارضين
even if with the sources of the skies and lands.
ايّاكم ان تفرّقكم شئونات النّفس والهوى
Beware lest the affairs of self and desires divide you,
كونوا كالاصابع في اليد والاركان للبدن
be like the fingers of hand and as the limbs of the body.
كذلك يعظكم قلم الوحي ان انتم من الموقنين
Thus, advise you the revealed Pen, if you are from the sure ones.
فانظروا في رحمة الله والطافه
Then look to the blessing of God and kindness,
انّه يأمركم بما ينفعكم بعد اذ كان غنيّاً عن العالمين
Indeed He orders you which is beneficial to you, after all He is the Rich over the universes,
لن تضرّنا سيّئاتكم كما لا تنفعنا حسناتكم
Never can harm Us your sins, similarly, cannot benefit Us, your good deeds,
انّما ندعوكم لوجه الله يشهد بذلك كلّ عالم بصير
However We call you for the direction of God, witnessing this every sighted scholar.
اذا ارسلتم الجوارح الى الصّيد
When you send hunting animals to hunt,
اذكروا الله اذاً يحلّ ما امسكن لكم ولو تجدونه ميتاً
remember God, then it will be lawful what they catch for you, even if you find them dead,
انّه لهو العليم الخبير
Indeed He is, who is the Knowledgeable Expert .
ايّاكم ان تسرفوا في ذلك
Beware! lest you exceed in it,
كونوا على صراط العدل والانصاف في كلّ الامور
keep on the path of justice and equity in all works,
كذلك يأمركم مطلع الظّهور ان انتم من العارفين
Thus commands you, the Riser of the Manifestation, if you are from the understanding ones.
انّ الله قد امركم بالمودّة في ذوي القربى
Indeed God has ordered you for affection to the relatives,
وما قدّر لهم حقّاً في اموال النّاس
and what is established for them, a right in the wealth of human beings ,
انّه لهو الغنيّ عن العالمين
Indeed He is, who is the Rich over the Universes.
من احرق بيتاً متعمّداً فاحرقوه
Whoever burns a house intentionally, then burn him,
ومن قتل نفساً عامداً فاقتلوه
and whoever kills a person intentionally, then kill him.
خذوا سنن الله بايادي القدرة والاقتدار
Adopt the laws of God, with the hands of power and ability,
ثمّ اتركوا سنن الجاهلين
then leave the laws of the ignorant ones.
وان تحكموا لهما حبساً ابديّاً لا بأس عليكم في الكتاب
and if you judge for both of them, an imprisonment forever, there will be no wrong upon you from the Book,
انّه لهو الحاكم على ما يريد
Indeed He is, who is the Ruler over whatever is intended.
قد كتب الله عليكم النّكاح
God has written upon you the marriage,
ايّاكم ان تجاوزوا عن الاثنتين
Beware lest you exceed from the twice,
والّذي اقتنع بواحدة من الامآء استراحت نفسه ونفسها
and who is satisfied with one from the handmaidens to relax himself and herself,
ومن اتّخذ بكراً لخدمته لا بأس عليه
and whoever keeps a virgin for his service, there is no wrong upon him.
كذلك كان الامر من قلم الوحي بالحقّ مرقوماً
Thus is the command from the revealed Pen, written with the truth.
تزوّجوا يا قوم ليظهر منكم من يذكرني بين عبادي
Get married O nation, so that it is manifested from you, who remembers Me among My servants.
هذا من امري عليكم اتّخذوه لانفسكم معيناً
This is My command to you, hold it for yourself, the assisting one.
يا ملأ الانشآء لا تتّبعوا انفسكم
O multitude of the creation! do not follow yourself,
انّها لامّارة بالبغي والفحشآء
indeed it is the symbol of wrongdoing and obscenity,
اتّبعوا مالك الاشيآء الّذي يأمركم بالبرّ والتّقوى
follow the Owner of the Things, who commands you for the piety and righteousness,
انّه كان عن العالمين غنيّاً
Indeed He is the Rich over the Universes.
ايّاكم ان تفسدوا في الارض بعد اصلاحها
Beware! Lest you spoil in the land after its reformation,
ومن افسد انّه ليس منّا ونحن برءآء منه
and whoever spoils, Indeed he is not from Us, and We are absolved from him.
كذلك كان الامر من سمآء الوحي بالحقّ مشهوداً
Thus is the command from the revealing heaven, with the truth , the testifying one.
انّه قد حدّد في البيان برضآء الطّرفين
Indeed that has been mentioned in Bayan with the consent of both sides,
انّا لمّا اردنا المحبّة والوداد واتّحاد العباد
indeed whenever We intended for the love and affection and the unity of servants.
لذا علّقناه باذن الابوين بعدهما
Therefore We attached it with the permission of both parents after both of them,
لئلاّ تقع بينهم الضّغينة والبغضآء ولنا فيه مآرب اخرى
lest rancor and hatred dwell among them, and from Our Side, there are other aims in it,
وكذلك كان الامر مقضيّاً
and thus is the ordinance, decided one.
لا يحقّق الصّهار الاّ بالامهار
There is no achievement of marriages, except with the dowries.
قد قدّر للمدن تسعة عشر مثقالاً من الذّهب الابريز
Established for the cities, nineteen mithqals from the pure gold,
وللقرى من الفضّة
and for the villages, from the sliver,
ومن اراد الزّيادة حرّم عليه ان يتجاوز عن خمسة وتسعين مثقالاً
and whoever wants more, it is forbidden for him to exceed from ninety five mithqals.
كذلك كان الامر بالعزّ مسطوراً
Thus is the command compiled with the dignity,
والّذي اقتنع بالدّرجة الاولى خير له في الكتاب
and who is satisfied with the first stage, it is better for him in the Book.
انّه يغني من يشآء باسباب السّموات والأرض
Indeed He enriches whom He wills, with the sources of skies and the earth,
وكان الله على كلّ شيء قديراً
and God is Capable one over everything.
قد كتب الله لكلّ عبد اراد الخروج من وطنه
God has written for every servant desiring exiting from his homeland
ان يجعل ميقاتاً لصاحبته في ايّة مدّة اراد
to set a time for his wife, any of the desired period,
ان اتى ووفى بالوعد انّه اتّبع أمر مولاه
if comes and keeps promise, indeed he followed the command of his Lord,
وكان من المحسنين من قلم الامر مكتوباً
and became from the improvers from the commanding Pen, is writable,
والاّ ان اعتذر بعذر حقيقيّ فله ان يخبر قرينته
otherwise, if there is an excuse with the real reason, then it is for him to inform his wife,
ويكون في غاية الجهد للرّجوع اليها
and intentionally keep on struggling for returning towards her.
وان فات الامران فلها تربّص تسعة اشهر معدودات
And if both of the orders elapse, then it is for her to wait for nine counted months,
وبعد اكمالها لا بأس عليها في اختيار الزّوج
and after its completion, there would be no wrong upon her in choosing husband,
وان صبرت انّه يحبّ الصّابرات والصّابرين
And if she is patient, indeed He likes the patient women and the patient men.
اعملوا اوامري ولا تتّبعوا كلّ مشرك كان في اللّوح اثيماً
Act upon My Commandments and do not follow every polytheist, was the sinner from the Tablet.
وان اتى الخبر حين تربّصها لها ان تأخذ المعروف
and if the news comes during her waiting period, it is for her to adopt the well-known.
انّه اراد الاصلاح بين العباد والامآء
Indeed He wants reformation among the servants and handmaidens.
ايّاكم ان ترتكبوا ما يحدث به العناد بينكم
Beware! Lest you commit which creates stubbornness by it among you.
كذلك قضي الامر وكان الوعد مأتيّاً
Thus completed the commandment, and promise was to be fulfilled.
وان اتاها خبر الموت او القتل وثبت بالشّياع او بالعدلين
And if she receive the news of the death or murder and it is proven by the publication or by two just ones,
لها ان تلبث في البيت اذا مضت اشهر معدودات
it is for her to remain in the house, when the counted months are elapsed ,
لها الاختيار فيما تختار
it is her selection for whichever she chooses
هذا ما حكم به من كان على الامر قويّاً
This is what is ordered from it, He Who is over the work, the Powerful one.
وان حدث بينهما كدورة او كره ليس له ان يطلّقها
And if hatred or disliking is created between both of them, it is not for him to divorce her,
وله ان يصبر سنة كاملة لعلّ تسطع بينهما رآئحة المحبّة
and it is for him to be patient whole year, perhaps the fragrance of love shine between both of them,
وان كملت وما فاحت فلا بأس في الطّلاق
and if it is completed and there is no fragrance, then there is no wrong in divorce.
انّه كان على كلّ شيء حكيماً
Indeed He is over everything, the Wise one.
قد نهاكم الله عمّا عملتم بعد طلقات ثلث
God has forbidden you whatever you practiced after three divorces,
فضلاً من عنده لتكونوا من الشّاكرين
a favor from His Side, so that you be from the thankful ones,
في لوح كان من قلم الامر مسطوراً
in the Tablet, it is from the commanding Pen, the compiled one.
والّذي طلّق له الاختيار في الرّجوع بعد انقضآء كلّ شهر
And who divorces, it is choice for him to return after the completion of every month,
بالمودّة والرّضآء ما لم تستحصن
with the affection and consent unless she is confined
واذا استحصنت تحقّق الفصل بوصل اخر
and when she is confined , separation has been verified with another unification,
وقضي الامر الاّ بعد امر مبين
and the work is finished, except the next obvious ordinance.
كذلك كان الامر من مطلع الجمال
Thus is the command, from the Riser of the Beauty
في لوح الجلال بالاجلال مرقوماً
in the Dignified Tablet written with the Majesties.
والّذي سافر وسافرت معه ثمّ حدث بينهما الاختلاف
And he who travels and she travels with him, then conflict occurs between both of them,
فله ان يؤتيها نفقة سنة كاملة
it is for him to pay her expense for a complete year,
ويرجعها الى المقرّ الّذي خرجت عنه
and revert her to the spot from where she departed with him,
او يسلّمها بيد امين وما تحتاج به في السّبيل ليبلّغها الى محلّها
or submit her by the hand of trustee and whatever is needed by it on the way, to deliver her at her place.
انّ ربّك يحكم كيف يشآء بسلطان كان على العالمين محيطاً
Indeed your Lord commands as He wants with the sovereignty, is the Surrounding one over the Universes.
والّتي طلّقت بما ثبت عليها منكر
And she who was divorced due to the proved objection upon her,
لا نفقة لها ايّام تربّصها
there is no expenses for her, of her waiting days.
كذلك كان نيّر الامر من افق العدل مشهوداً
Thus is the brilliant command from the horizon of Justice, the testifying one.
انّ الله احبّ الوصل والوفاق وابغض الفصل والطّلاق
Indeed God loves unification and harmony and hates separation and divorce.
عاشروا يا قوم بالرّوح والرّيحان
Socialize O nation, with the spirit and fragrance.
لعمري سيفنى من في الامكان
By My life! My sword is to those who are from the possibilities,
وما يبقى هو العمل الطّيّب
and what is remained, that is the pure deed,
وكان الله على ما اقول شهيداً
and God is over what I said, the witnessing one.
يا عبادي اصلحوا ذات بينكم
O My servants! Reform among yourselves,
ثمّ استمعوا ما ينصحكم به القلم الاعلى
then listen what is advised to you by the Supreme Pen,
ولا تتّبعوا جبّاراً شقيّاً
and do not follow the tyrant wretched one.
ايّاكم ان تغرّنّكم الدّنيا كما غرّت قوماً قبلكم
Beware! lest the world deceive you like it deceived the nations before you,
اتّبعوا حدود الله وسننه ثمّ اسلكوا هذا الصّراط الّذي كان بالحقّ ممدوداً
follow the limitations of God and His ways, then walk this path which is extended with the truth .
انّ الّذين نبذوا البغي والغوى
Indeed those who discard the inequity and temptation,
واتّخذوا التّقوى اولئك من خيرة الخلق
and hold fast the righteousness, these are from the best creation,
لدى الحقّ يذكرهم الملأ الاعلى
from the side of the Truth, remembers them, the supreme assembly,
واهل هذا المقام الّذي كان باسم الله مرفوعاً
and the dwellers of this position, who are the exalted with the name of God.
قد حرّم عليكم بيع الامآء والغلمان
Forbidden upon you the trade of handmaidens and boys,
ليس لعبد ان يشتري عبداً نهياً في لوح الله
It is not for a servant to purchase a servant, it is prohibited in the Tablet of God.
كذلك كان الامر من قلم العدل بالفضل مسطوراً
Thus is the command from the Pen of Justice, compiled with the favor.
وليس لاحد ان يفتخر على احد
and it is not for anyone to be proud over anyone,
كلّ ارقّآء له وادلآّء على انّه لا اله الاّ هو
everyone is servant of Him, and is evidence over it , Indeed He is, there is no god except Him.
انّه كان على كلّ شيء حكيماً
Indeed He is over everything, the Wise one.
زيّنوا انفسكم بطراز الاعمال
Adorn yourself with the style of deeds,
والّذي فاز بالعمل في رضاه
And who attains with the deed in His satisfaction,
انّه من اهل البهآء قد كان لدى العرش مذكوراً
Indeed he is from the glorified people, has become form of side of the Throne, the mentioned one.
انصروا مالك البريّة بالاعمال الحسنة ثمّ بالحكمة والبيان
Assist the Owner of the creature by the good deeds, then by the wisdom and statement.
كذلك امرتم في اكثر الالواح من لدى الرّحمن
Thus you were ordered in many Tablets from the side of the Gracious one,
انّه كان على ما اقول عليماً
Indeed He is, over what I said, the Knowledgeable one.
لا يعترض احد على احد
None should object on anyone,
ولا يقتل نفس نفساً
and nor a person should kill a person,
هذا ما نهيتم عنه في كتاب كان في سرادق العزّ مستوراً
This is what We prohibited you about that in the Book, that was from the Dignified Marquee, the Concealed one.
اتقتلون من احياه الله بروح من عنده
Do you kill whom God gives life with the spirit from Him?
انّ هذا خطأ قد كان لدى العرش كبيراً
Indeed this is the mistake, before the Throne it was the greatest one,
اتّقوا الله ولا تخربوا ما بناه الله بايادي الظّلم والطّغيان
Fear God, and do not ruin what God has made with the hands of injustice and transgression,
ثمّ اتّخذوا الى الحقّ سبيلاً
Then hold on towards the path of the Truth.
لمّا ظهرت جنود العرفان برايات البيان انهزمت قبآئل الاديان
Whenever appeared the recognized troop, with the banners of the statement, retreated the tribes of the religions,
الاّ من اراد ان يشرب كوثر الحيوان في رضوان
except who wants to drink the gushing life from the favorites,
كان من نفس السّبحان موجوداً
It is existing in the praised person.
قد حكم الله بالطّهارة على مآء النّطفة
God has commanded of cleanliness over the water of semen,
رحمة من عنده على البريّة
a blessing from His side upon the creature,
اشكروه بالرّوح والرّيحان
thank Him, with the spirit and fragrance,
ولا تتّبعوا من كان عن مطلع القرب بعيداً
and do not follow which is far from the close understanding,
قوموا على خدمة الامر في كلّ الاحوال
Stand up on the work of service in all circumstance,
انّه يؤيّدكم بسلطان كان على العالمين محيطاً
Indeed He assists you with the sovereignty, is over the universes, the Surrounding one.
بحبل اللّطافة على شأن تمسّكوا
Hold fast to the rope of gentleness upon such a rank that
لا يرى من ثيابكم اثار الاوساخ
should not be visible from your clothes, the signs of the stains.
هذا ما حكم به من كان الطف من كلّ لطيف
This is what is ordered from it, He Who is the Nicer from every elegant,
والّذي له عذر لا بأس عليه انّه لهو الغفور الرّحيم
and who has excuse, there is no wrong upon him, indeed He is, who is the Forgiver Merciful.
طهّروا كلّ مكروه بالمآء الّذي لم يتغيّر بالثّلث
Clean every detestable with the water, which has not been changed by the three.
ايّاكم ان تستعملوا المآء الّذي تغيّر بالهوآء او بشيء اخر
Beware! Lest you use the water which has been changed by the air or by any other thing.
كونوا عنصر اللّطافة بين البريّة
Be the element of gentleness among the creatures.
هذا ما اراد لكم مولاكم العزيز الحكيم
This is what intended your Lord for you, the Dearest Wise one.
وكذلك رفع الله حكم دون الطّهارة
And thus, God has lifted up the ordinance of without purity,
عن كلّ الاشيآء وعن ملل أخرى
about everything and about other tedium,
موهبة من الله انّه لهو الغفور الكريم
a gift from God, Indeed He is, who is the Bountiful Forgiver.
قد انغمست الاشيآء في بحر الطّهارة في اوّل الرّضوان
Things have been immersed in the sea of purity, from the first favorite,
اذ تجلّينا على من في الامكان
when We appeared over those who are from the possibilities
باسمآئنا الحسنى وصفاتنا العليا
with Our graceful name, and Our superior attributes.
هذا من فضلي الّذي احاط العالمين
This is from My favor which has encompassed the universes.
لتعاشروا مع الاديان وتبلّغوا امر ربّكم الرّحمن
So that you socialize with the religions, and convey the Command of your Gracious Lord,
هذا لاكليل الاعمال لو انتم من العارفين
these are not the week deeds, if you are from the understanding ones.
وحكم باللّطافة الكبرى وتغسيل ما تغبّر من الغبار
And commanded the great gentleness and to wash which is polluted from the dust,
وكيف الاوساخ المنجمدة ودونها
and adjust the fixed dirt and other than this.
اتّقوا الله وكونوا من المطهّرين
Fear God, and become from the clean ones.
والّذي يرى في كسآئه وسخ
And who appears in his dirty garment,
انّه لا يصعد دعآئه إلى الله ويجتنب عنه ملأ عالون
indeed he does not rise his prayer towards God, and avoid from him, the highest multitude ones.
استعملوا مآء الورد ثمّ العطر الخالص
Use the water of rose then the pure perfume,
هذا ما احبّه الله من الاوّل الّذي لا اوّل له
this is what God loved from the beginning, Who has no beginning for Him,
ليتضوّع منكم ما اراد ربّكم العزيز الحكيم
to diffuse from you which intend your Lord, the Dearest Wise one.
قد عفا الله عنكم ما نزّل في البيان من محو الكتب
God has exempted you ,which was sent down in the Bayan, from the cancellation of book
واذنّاكم بان تقرئوا من العلوم ما ينفعكم
and We permitted you to read from the knowledges which benefit you,
لا ما ينتهي الى المجادلة في الكلام
which does not conclude to a dispute from the conversation,
هذا خير لكم ان انتم من العارفين
This is better for you, if you are from the understanding ones.
يا معشر الملوك قد اتى المالك
O the group of kings! the Owner has arrived ,
والملك لله المهيمن القيّوم
and kingship is for God, the Dominant Existing one.
الاّ تعبدوا الاّ الله وتوجّهوا بقلوب نورآء
Lest you worship except God, and focus with the enlightened hearts,
الى وجه ربّكم مالك الاسمآء
towards the direction of your Lord, the Owner of the names,
هذا امر لا يعادله ما عندكم لو انتم تعرفون
This is the work which is not equal what you have, if you could understand.
انّا نراكم تفرحون بما جمعتموه لغيركم
We see you are rejoicing because of that what you have gathered for the others,
وتمنعون انفسكم عن العوالم
and you have prevented yourself from the worlds
الّتي لم يحصها الاّ لوحي المحفوظ
In which there is no share for him, except for the preserved revelation.
قد شغلتكم الاموال عن المآل
Monies have engaged you upon the wealth,
هذا لا ينبغي لكم لو انتم تعلمون
this is not appropriate for you, if you could know.
طهّروا قلوبكم عن ذفر الدّنيا
Purify your hearts over the stink of the world,
مسرعين الى ملكوت ربّكم فاطرالارض والسّمآء
hastening towards the kingdom of your Lord, the Creator of the earth and the sky,
الّذي به ظهرت الزّلازل وناحت القبآئل
He from Whom appeared the quakes and the tribes were mourned,
الاّ من نبذ الورى واخذ ما امر به في لوح مكنون
except those who left the creature, and held what is ordered by it from the hidden tablet.
هذا يوم فيه فاز الكليم بانوار القديم
This is the day, on it succeeded the addresser, by the lights of the Ancient,
وشرب زلال الوصال من هذا القدح
and drank the clear attachment from This Mug,
الّذي به سجّرت البحور
from which the seas have overflowed.
قل تالله الحقّ انّ الطّور يطوف حول مطلع الظّهور
Say! By God it is true, Indeed the period is moving around the Riser of the Manifestation,
والرّوح ينادي من الملكوت
and The Spirit is calling from the kingdom,
هلمّوا وتعالوا يا ابنآء الغرور
come on and come here, O! children of the illusion.
هذا يوم فيه سرع كوم الله شوقاً للقآئه
This is the day, speedup in it, heap to God, longing to meet Him,
وصاح الصّهيون قد اتى الوعد وظهر ما هو المكتوب
and shouting the Zion, the Promised has come, and has appeared which was written,
في الواح الله المتعالي العزيز المحبوب
In the tablets of God, the Most Exalted the Dearest Beloved.
يا معشر الملوك قد نزّل النّاموس الاكبر في المنظر الانور
O the group of kings! The great law has been sent down from the brilliant sight,
وظهر كلّ امر مستتر من لدن مالك القدر
and exposed every hidden commandment, from the side of the Owner of Destiny,
الّذي به اتت السّاعة وانشقّ القمر
from which the time has been arrived and the moon has been burst,
وفصّل كلّ امر محتوم
and described every inevitable commandment.
يا معشر الملوك انتم المماليك
O the group of kings! you are the slaves,
قد ظهر المالك باحسن الطّراز
the Owner has been manifested with the superior style,
ويدعوكم الى نفسه المهيمن القيّوم
and calls you towards Himself, the Dominant Existing one.
ايّاكم ان يمنعكم الغرور عن مشرق الظّهور
Beware! Lest the illusion prevents you from the bright Manifestation
او تحجبكم الدّنيا عن فاطر السّمآء
or the world veils you from the Creator of the sky.
قوموا على خدمة المقصود
Stand up upon the service of the Intended,
الّذي خلقكم بكلمة من عنده
He who created you with a word from His side
وجعلكم مظاهر القدرة لما كان وما يكون
And made you the manifestations of the Ability, for that whatever was and whatever will be.
تالله لا نريد ان نتصرّف في ممالككم
By God! We do not want to divert you from your kingdoms,
بل جئنا لتصرّف القلوب
but We came to turn your hearts,
انّها لمنظر البهآء يشهد بذلك ملكوت الاسمآء لو انتم تفقهون
Indeed it is to view the Glory, it is being witnessed by the Kingdom of the Names, if you could perceive,
والّذي اتّبع مولاه انّه اعرض عن الدّنيا كلّها
And he who follows his Lord, Indeed he turns away from his whole world.
وكيف هذا المقام المحمود
And what an honored station is this!
دعوا البيوت ثمّ اقبلوا الى الملكوت
Leave the houses then come towards the Kingdom,
هذا ما ينفعكم في الاخرة والاولى
this is which will benefit you in the Hereafter and before ,
يشهد بذلك مالك الجبروت لو انتم تعلمون
It is being witnessed by the Owner of the dictators, if you could know.
طوبى لملك قام على نصرة امري في مملكتي
Blessings are for the ruler who is standing upon the assistance of My Ordinance in My Kingdom,
وانقطع عن سوآئي انّه من اصحاب السّفينة الحمرآء
and is detached except Me, Indeed he is from the companions of the Red ship,
الّتي جعلها الله لاهل البهآء
which God has made for the glorious people,
ينبغي لكلّ ان يعزّروه ويوقّروه وينصروه
it is appropriate for everyone to honor him and regard him and assist him,
ليفتح المدن بمفاتيح اسمي المهيمن على من في ممالك الغيب والشّهود
to open the city with the keys of My Dominant name, over that kingdom which is unseen and present .
انّه بمنزلة البصر للبشر والغرّة الغرّآء لجبين الانشآء
Indeed he is with the level of vision for human being, and the inauguration of the honor at the forehead of the creation,
ورأس الكرم لجسد العالم
and is the head of bounty for the body of the world.
انصروه يا اهل البهآء بالاموال والنّفوس
Assist him, O glorified people! with the wealth and selves.
يا ملك النّمسة كان مطلع نور الاحديّة في سجن عكّآء
O possessor of Austria! The light of Oneness rose from the prison of Acre.
اذ قصدت المسجد الاقصى مررت وما سئلت عنه
When you intended to the Al-Aqsa mosque, you crossed, and you did not ask over there,
بعد اذ رفع به كلّ بيت وفتح كلّ باب منيف
after all every house uplifted by this, and every lofty door opened.
قد جعلناه مقبل العالم لذكري وانت نبذت المذكور
We have established it the future of the world for My remembrance, and you left the mentioned one.
اذ ظهر بملكوت الله ربّك وربّ العالمين
When appeared with the kingdom of God, your Lord and the Lord of Universes.
كنّا معك في كلّ الاحوال
We were with you in all circumstance,
ووجدناك متمسّكاً بالفرع غافلاً عن الاصل
and We found you clinging with the section by neglecting from the source,
انّ ربّك على ما اقول شهيد
indeed your Lord over whatever I said, is witness.
قد اخذ تنا الاحزان بما رأيناك تدور
You have taken to grief from Us because We see you to rotating,
لاسمنا ولا تعرفنا امام وجهك
Neither list to Us and nor understand Us in front of your face.
افتح البصر لتنظر هذا المنظر الكريم
Open the eyesight , so that you could see this Bountiful Sight,
وتعرف من تدعوه في اللّيالي والايّام
and understand who is calling you in the nights and days,
وترى النّور المشرق من هذا الافق اللّميع
and see the Bright Glory from this Shiniest horizon.
قل يا ملك برلين اسمع النّدآء من هذا الهيكل المبين
Say O Possessor of Berlin! listen the call from this obvious structure,
انّه لا اله الاّ انا الباقي الفرد القديم
Indeed He is, there is no god except Me, the Remainder, the Solitary Ancient,
ايّاك ان يمنعك الغرور عن مطلع الظّهور
Beware! Lest the illusion prevents you, from the Riser of the Manifestation,
او يحجبك الهوى عن مالك العرش والثّرى
or the desires veil you from the Owner of the Throne and the earth.
كذلك ينصحك القلم الاعلى انّه لهو الفضّال الكريم
Thus Supreme Pen advises you, indeed He is, who is the Beneficent the Bountiful.
اذكر من كان اعظم منك شأناً واكبر منك مقاماً
Remember who were greater than you in the dignity and were superior from your level.
اين هو وما عنده انتبه ولا تكن من الرّاقدين
Where are they and who were with them? Wake up and do not be from the sleeping ones.
انّه نبذ لوح الله ورآئه
Indeed he left God’s tablet behind his back,
اذ اخبرناه بما ورد علينا من جنود الظّالمين
When We informed it, what happened upon Us from the troops of Unjust ones,
لذا اخذته الذلّة من كلّ الجهات
Therefore the humiliation caught them up from every side,
الى ان رجع الى التّراب بخسران عظيم
Until reverted to the soil, with the great loss.
يا ملك تفكّر فيه وفي امثالك
O possessor! Contemplate in it and in your similar,
الّذين سخّروا البلاد وحكموا على العباد
those who exploited the cities and ruled over the servants,
قد انزلهم الرّحمن من القصور الى القبور
the Gracious One has descended them, from the palaces to the graves,
اعتبر وكن من المتذكّرين
consider and be from the mindful ones.
انّا ما اردنا منكم شيئاً انمّا ننصحكم لوجه الله
We do not intend anything from you, Indeed what We are advising you, is for the direction of God,
ونصبر كما صبرنا بما ورد علينا منكم يا معشر السّلاطين
We are patient as We were patient whatever happened upon Us from you, O! the group of kings.
يا ملوك امريقا ورؤسآء الجمهور
O the possessors of America and the chiefs of majority!
فيها اسمعوا ما تغنّ به الورقآء على غصن البقآء
Listen from it, which is singing through the papers over the eternal branch.
انّه لا اله الاّ انا الباقي الغفور الكريم
Indeed He is, there is no god except Me, the Remainder, the Bountiful Forgiver.
زيّنوا هيكل الملك بطراز العدل والتّقى
Adorn the structure of the kingship with the style of Justice and righteousness,
ورأسه باكليل ذكر ربّكم فاطر السّمآء
and its head with the crown of the remembrance of your Lord, the Creator of the sky.
كذلك يأمركم مطلع الاسمآء من لدن عليم حكيم
Thus commands you the Riser of the names from the side of Wise Knowledgeable.
قد ظهر الموعود في هذا المقام المحمود
The promised one has been manifested from this Honored Station,
الّذي به ابتسم ثغر الوجود من الغيب والشّهود
That from which the existing mouth is smiling , from the unseen and present .
اغتنموا يوم الله انّ لقآئه خير لكم
grasp the day of God, Indeed it is better to meet Him ,
عمّا تطلع الشّمس عليها ان انتم من العارفين
than aspiring the sun upon him, if you are from the understanding ones.
يا معشر الامرآء اسمعوا ما ارتفع من مطلع الكبريآء
O the group of princes! Listen what is raised from the Greatest Riser.
انّه لا اله الاّ انا النّاطق العليم
Indeed He is, there is no god except Me, the Speaker, the Knowledgeable.
اجبروا الكسير بايادي العدل
Strengthen the broken one with the hands of justice,
وكسّروا الصّحيح الظّالم بسياط اوامر ربّكم الامر الحكيم
and break the actual unjust one with the whips of the ordinances of your Lord, the Wise Dictator.
يا معشر الرّوم نسمع بينكم صوت البوم
O the group of Rome! We hear the screaming of owl among you.
ءاخذكم سكر الهوى ام كنتم من الغافلين
Have you taken intoxication of desires or you are from the negligent ones?
يا ايّتها النّقطة الواقعة في شاطي البحرين
O the situated points! from the shore of both seas
قد استقرّ عليك كرسيّ الظّلم واشتعلت فيك نارالبغضآء على شأن
the chair of injustice has settled over you and the fire of hatred has burned on you upon such a rank that
ناح بها الملأ الاعلى والّذين يطوفون حول كرسيّ رفيع
the supreme assembly is mournful by this, and those who are circulating around the Exalted Throne.
نرى فيك الجاهل يحكم على العاقل
We are looking at you the ignorant are ruling over the wise ones,
والظّلام يفتخر على النّور وانّك في غرور مبين
and the darkness are proud over the light, and you are from obvious arrogant.
اغرّتك زينتك الظّاهرة سوف تفنى وربّ البريّة
Is your outward attraction alluring you ? Soon you will be perish, by Lord of the creature,
وتنوح البنات والارامل وما فيك من القبآئل
and the girls and the widows are mourning and who are from you in the tribes.
كذلك ينبّئك العليم الخبير
Thus informed you, the Knowledgeable Expert .
يا شواطي نهر الرّين
O the banks of the Rhine river!
قد رأيناك مغطّاة بالدّمآء بما سلّ عليك سيوف الجزآء
We have seen you covered with the blood because the swords of revenge have come out from you,
ولك مرّة اخرى
and for you, there is one more time,
ونسمع حنين البرلين ولو انّها اليوم على عزّ مبين
and We are listening the eagerness of Berlin, although today, there is obvious dignity upon them.
يا ارض الطّآء لا تحزني من شيء
O the land of Taa! do not grieve from anything
قد جعلك الله مطلع فرح العالمين
God has made you the riser of the pleasures of Universes,
لو يشآء يبارك سريرك بالّذي يحكم بالعـدل
if it wants, your Throne will bless you by those who order with justice,
ويجمع اغـنام الله الّتي تفرّقت من الذّئاب
and gather the sheep of God, those who had been dispersed by wolves.
انّه يواجه اهل البهآء بالفرح والانبساط
Indeed He faces to the glorified people with the pleasure and gladness.
الا انّه من جوهر الخلق لدى الحقّ
Behold! Indeed he is from the essence of the creation before the Truth,
عليه بهآء الله وبهآء من في ملكوت الامر في كلّ حين
upon him the glory of God, and the glory of those who are from the Kingdom of ordinance, at all the time.
افرحي بما جعلك الله افق النّور
Rejoice because God has made you the horizon of light,
بما ولد فيك مطلع الظّهور
because the Riser of the Manifestation is born upon you ,
وسمّيت بهذا الاسم الّذي به لاح نيّر الفضل
and called you by this name, from which the brilliant favor is shining,
واشرقت السّموات والارضون
and illuminated, the skies and the lands.
سوف تنقلب فيك الامور
You works will be reverted upon you ,
ويحكم عليك جمهور النّاس
and the majority of the people will rule over you.
ان ربّك لهو العليم المحيط
Indeed your Lord is, Who is the Knowledgeable Surrounding one.
اطمئنّي بفضل ربّك انّه لا تنقطع عنك لحظات الالطاف
Be tranquil with the favor of your Lord, indeed He did not cut off from you the moments of kindness,
سوف يأخذك الاطمينان بعد الاضطراب
You will hold the peace after disturbance,
كذلك قضي الامر في كتاب بديع
Thus completed the commandment in the Admirable Book.
يا ارض الخآء نسمع فيك صوت الرّجال
O the Land of Kha ! We hear over you the voice of men
في ذكر ربّك الغنيّ المتعال
the remembrance of your Lord is in it, the Exalted Rich,
طوبى ليوم فيه تنصب رايات الاسمآء
Blessings are for today, the banners of names are erected on it,
في ملكوت الانشآء باسمي الابهى
in the kingdom of creation with My Glorious name.
يومئذٍ يفرح المخلصون بنصر الله وينوح المشركون
That day the sincere ones will rejoice, with the assistance of God, and polytheists will mourn.
ليس لاحد ان يعترض على الّذين يحكمون على العباد
It is not for anyone to object those who are ruling over the servants,
دعوا لهم ما عندهم وتوجّهوا الى القلوب
leave them what they have, and focus towards hearts.
يا بحر الاعظم رشّ على الامم
O the greatest sea! Sprinkle over the nation,
ما امرت به من لدن مالك القدم
as commanded to you from it, from the side of the Owner of Eternity,
وزيّن هياكل الانام بطراز الاحكام
and adorn the bodies of the living beings with the style of the ordinance
الّتي بها تفرح القلوب وتقرّ العيون
from which the hearts are delighted and the eyes are cooled.
والّذي تملّك مائة مثقال من الذّهب
And who owns hundred Mithqals from the gold,
فتسعة عشر مثقالاً لله فاطر الارض والسّمآء
then nineteen Mithqals are for God, the Creator of the earth and the sky.
ايّاكم يا قوم ان تمنعوا انفسكم عن هذا الفضل العظيم
Beware O nation ! lest you prevented yourself from this greatest favor.
قد امرناكم بهذا بعد اذ كنّا غنياً عنكم
We have ordained you by this, after all We are the Rich over you,
وعن كلّ من في السّموات والأرضين
and over everyone whatever is from the skies and the lands.
انّ في ذلك لحكم ومصالح
Indeed however, there is an order and interests in it ,
لم يحط بها علم احد الاّ الله العالم الخبير
no one can encompass that knowledge except God, the Knowledgeable Expert .
قل بذلك اراد تطهير اموالكم وتقربّكم الى مقامات
Say ! by this, it is intended to purify your wealth and to bring you close towards the stations
لا يدركها الاّ من شآء الله
that con not be recognized except whom God wills,
انّه لهو الفضّال العزيز الكريم
Indeed He is, who is the Beneficent the Dearest the Bountiful.
يا قوم لا تخونوا في حقوق الله
O nation! Do not be dishonest from the rights of God,
ولا تصرّفوا فيها الاّ بعد اذنه
and do not spend from it except after His permission.
كذلك قضي الامر في الالواح وفي هذا اللّوح المنيع
Thus completed the commandment in the Tablets and in this Secure Tablet .
من خان الله يخان بالعدل
Who is dishonest to God, is dishonest with the justice,
والّذي عمل بما امر
and who acts upon whatever is commanded
ينزل عليه البركة من سمآء عطآء ربه الفيّاض المعطي الباذل القديم
the blessing is sent down upon him from the sky, granted by his Bountiful Lord, the Grantor the Ancient Donor.
انّه اراد لكم ما لا تعرفونه اليوم
Indeed He has intended for you which you do not understand today,
سوف يعرفه القوم اذا طارت الارواح
the nation will understand Him, when rise the spirits,
وطويت زرابيّ الافراح
and the carpet of happiness will be folded up.
كذلك يذكّركم من عنده لوح حفيظ
Thus you are recalled from the side of His protected Tablet.
قد حضرت لدى العرش عرآئض شتّى من الّذين امنوا
Different petitions had been presented before the Throne from those who were the believing ones,
وسئلوا فيها الله ربّ ما يرى وما لا يرى ربّ العالمين
and they asked God in this, the Lord of whatever is seen and whatever is unseen, the Lord of the Universes,
لذا نزّلنا اللّوح وزيّنّاه بطراز الامر
therefore We sent down the Tablet and adorned it with the style of command,
لعلّ النّاس باحكام ربّهم يعملون
Perhaps human beings could know with their Lord’s commandments,
وكذلك سئلنا من قبل في سنين متواليات
and thus, We were asked from earlier in the sequences of years
وامسكنا القلم حكمة من لدنّا
and We restrained the pen of wisdom from Our side,
الى ان حضرت كتب من انفس معدودات في تلك الايّام
even it arrived the compiled from the counted person in these days.
لذا اجبناهم بالحقّ بما تحيى به القلوب
Therefore, We answered them with the truth, because the hearts revive by this.
قل يا معشر العلمآء لا تزنوا كتاب الله
Say O the group of scholars! Do not weigh the Book of God
بما عندكم من القواعد والعلوم
which you have from the rules and the knowledges,
انّه لقسطاس الحقّ بين الخلق
Indeed that is the scale of truth among the creation
قد يوزن ما عند الامم بهذا القسطاس الاعظم
It has been weighed, which the nations have from this Greatest scale,
وانّه بنفسه لو انتم تعلمون
and indeed that is by his self, if you could know.
تبكي عليكم عين عنايتي
Weeps over you, the eye of My providence,
لانكم ما عرفتم الّذي دعوتموه في العشيّ والاشراق
because you could not understand That Who is calling you in the evening and morning,
وفي كلّ اصيل وبكور
and in every genuine and beginning.
توجّهوا يا قوم بوجوه بيضآء وقلوب نورآء
Focus, O Nation! with the bright faces and enlightened hearts,
الى البقعة المباركة الحمرآء الّتي فيها تنادي سدرة المنتهى
towards the blessed Red Spot, that is from where the Extreme Dazzle is calling.
انّه لا اله الاّ انا المهيمن القيّوم
Indeed He is, there is no god except Me, , the Dominant Existing one.
يا معشر العلمآء هل يقدر احد منكم
O the group of scholars! Is there any one capable from you
ان يستنّ معي في ميدان المكاشفة والعرفان
to legislate with Me in the field of vision and recognition
او يجول في مضمار الحكمة والتّبيان
or to navigate in track of wisdom and demonstration ?
لا وربّي الرّحمن كلّ من عليها فان
No, by my Gracious Lord, everything over that, is mortal,
وهذا وجه ربّكم العزيز المحبوب
and this is the direction of your Lord, the Dearest Beloved.
يا قوم انّا قدّرنا العلوم لعرفان المعلوم
O Nation! We have established the knowledges to recognize the known
وانتم احتجبتم بها عن مشرقها
and you are veiled from it, from its east,
الّذي به ظهر كلّ امر مكنون
by which every hidden ordinance is shown.
لو عرفتم الافق الّذي منه اشرقت شمس الكلام
If you understand the Horizon, that from which illuminates the sun of statements,
لنبذتم الانام وما عندهم
you shall leave the living beings and whatever is with them
واقبلتم الى المقام المحمود
and you will come towards the Honored Station.
قل هذه لسمآء فيها كنز امّ الكتاب لو انتم تعقلون
Say! this is that sky, there are treasures in it, the Mother of books, if you could understand.
هذا لهو الّذي به صاحت الصّخرة
This is the same by which the rocks were shouting,
ونادت السّدرة على الطّور المرتفع على الارض المباركة
and the Dazzle was proclaiming over the highest mountain towards the blessed land,
الملك لله الملك العزيز الودود
the kingship is for God, the King the Dearest Lover.
انّا ما دخلنا المدارس وما طالعنا المباحث
Indeed we did not enter into the teaching centers and nor did we study the arguments.
اسمعوا ما يدعوكم به هذا الامّيّ الى الله الابديّ
Listen to who is calling you from this illiterate, towards the Eternal God,
انّه خير لكم عمّا كنز في الارض لو انتم تفقهون
Indeed that is better for you from the treasure of the earth, if you could perceive.
انّ الّذي يأوّل ما نزّل من سمآء الوحي
Indeed who interprets what is sent down from the revealing heaven ,
ويخرجه عن الظّاهر
and excludes that from the obvious,
انّه ممّن حرّف كلمة الله العليا
indeed he would be from those who twist superior Words of God,
وكان من الاخسرين في كتاب مبين
and became from the loser ones in the Obvious Book.
قد كتب عليكم تقليم الاظفار
Written upon you the paring of nails,
والدّخول في مآء يحيط هياكلكم في كلّ اسبوع
and to enter into the water which surrounds your structure in every week,
وتنظيف ابدانكم بما استعملتموه من قبل
and to clean your body from what you have been using before this.
ايّاكم ان تمنعكم الغفلة عمّا امرتم به من لدن عزيز عظيم
Beware! Lest your negligence prevents you, from whatever you were commanded by this, from the side of the Greatest Dearest.
ادخلوا مآء بكراً والمستعمل منه لا يجوز الدّخول فيه
Enter into the unused water, and that which is used, it is not permissible to enter into it.
ايّاكم ان تقربوا خزآئن حمّامات العجم من قصدها
Beware! Lest you come to the cabinets of Persian pools to pursue them,
وجد رآئحتها المنتنة قبل وروده فيها
will get there stinking smell before entering into them,
تجنّبوا يا قوم ولا تكوننّ من الصّاغرين
Avoid, O Nation! and do not be from the disgraced ones.
انّه يشبه بالصّديد والغسلين ان انتم من العارفين
Indeed it is like pus and serum, if you are from the understanding ones..
وكذلك حياضهم المنتنة اتركوها وكونوا من المقدّسين
and thus are their stinking pools, leave them and be from the pure ones.
انّا اردنا ان نراكم مظاهر الفردوس في الارض
Indeed We intend to show you the manifestations of paradise in the earth,
ليتضوّع منكم ما تفرح به افئدة المقرّبين
to diffuse from you, by this which rejoice the feelings of the closest ones.
والّذي يصبّ عليه المآء ويغسل به بدنه
And who puts the water upon him, and washes his body with it,
خير له ويكفيه عن الدّخول
it is better for him and sufficient than entering,
انّه اراد ان يسهّل عليكم الامور
Indeed He intended to make easy the commandments over you,
فضلاً من عنده لتكونوا من الشّاكرين
it is favor from His side, so that you be from the thankful ones.
قد حرّمت عليكم ازواج ابآئكم
Forbidden upon you the spouses of your forefathers.
انّا نستحي ان نذكر حكم الغلمان
Indeed We feel shy to describe the ordinance of boys.
اتّقوا الرّحمن يا ملأ الامكان
Fear the Gracious One, O the Possible multitude !
ولا ترتكبوا ما نهيتم عنه في اللّوح
and do not commit whatever is prohibited to you from that in the tablet,
ولا تكونوا في هيمآء الشّهوات من الهآئمين
and do not be in the lust of desires from the wanderers.
ليس لاحد ان يحرّك لسانه امام النّاس
It is not for anyone to move his tongue before the human beings
اذ يمشي في الطّرق والاسواق
while walking on the way and markets,
بل ينبغي لمن اراد الذّكر ان يذكر في مقام بني لذكر الله
but it is appropriate for him who wants to mention, to mention at the place built for the mentioning of God,
او في بيته هذا اقرب بالخلوص والتّقوى
or at his house, this is nearer with the purity and the righteousness.
كذلك اشرقت شمس الحكم من افق البيان طوبى للعاملين
Thus, illuminated the sun of the ordinance from the horizon of Statement , blessings are for the performers.
قد فرض لكلّ نفس كتاب الوصيّة
It has been imposed for every person to write a will,
وله ان يزيّن رأسه بالاسم الاعظم
and it is for him to adorn its heading with the Greatest Name,
ويعترف فيه بوحدانيّة الله في مظهر ظهوره
and to confess the oneness of God in it from the manifest of His manifestation ,
ويذكر فيه ما اراد من المعروف
and to mention in it, whatever is intended from the well-known,
ليشهد له في عوالم الامر والخلق
to be witness for him from the ordinance of the worlds and creation,
ويكون له كنزاً عند ربّه الحافظ الامين
and the treasures would be for him with his Lord, the Trustful Keeper.
قد انتهت الاعياد الى العيدين الاعظمين
Completed the festivals towards the both greatest festivals,
امّا الاوّل ايّام فيها تجلّى الرّحمن على من في الامكان
from that those are the first days on which exhibits the Gracious one, over those who are from the possibilities,
باسمآئه الحسنى وصفاته العليا
with His Graceful name and His Superior attributes,
والاخر يوم فيه بعثنا من بشّر النّاس بهذا الاسم الّذي به قامت الاموات
and later on the day on which when We shall raise a human from the human beings with This Name, by which the dead ones will stand,
وحشر من في السّموات والارضين والاخرين في يومين
and will assemble who are from the skies and lands and the corners in both of the days.
كذلك قضي الامر من لدن امر عليم
Thus completed the commandment, from the side of the Knowledgeable Dictator.
طوبى لمن فاز باليوم الاوّل من شهر البهآء
Blessings are for him who attains with the first day from the glorified month,
الّذي جعله الله لهذا الاسم العظيم
that which is made by God for this greatest name.
طوبى لمن يظهر فيه نعمة الله على نفسه
Blessings are for him who observes in it the blessing of God upon himself.
انّه ممّن اظهر شكر الله بفعله المدلّ على فضله الّذي احاط العالمين
Indeed he is from him who manifests the gratitude to God by his action, feeling proud upon His favor, He Who has encompassed the universes.
قل انّه لصدر الشّهور ومبدئها
Say! Indeed that is the forefront of the months and their start,
وفيه تمرّ نفحة الحيوة على الممكنات
and pass the gifts of life from it upon the possible ones.
طوبى لمن ادركه بالرّوح والرّيحان
Blessings are for him who grasps it with the spirit and fragrance,
نشهد انّه من الفآئزين
We are the witness, indeed he is from the victorious ones.
قل انّ العيد الاعظم لسلطان الاعياد
Say! Indeed greatest is the festival, the festivals for the Sovereign.
اذكروا يا قوم نعمة الله عليكم
Remember, O Nation! the favor of God upon you,
اذ كنتم رقدآء ايقظكم من نسمات الوحي
When you were sleeping, you were woke up from the breezes of Revelation,
وعرّفكم سبيله الواضح المستقيم
and gave you the understanding of its way, the Clear the Straight.
اذا مرضتم ارجعوا الى الحذّاق من الاطبّآء
When you become sick contact to the experts , from the doctors.
انّا ما رفعنا الاسباب بل اثبتناها
Indeed We did not lift the sources rather We established it,
من هذا القلم الّذي جعله الله مطلع امره المشرق المنير
from this Pen, that which God has made rising His commandment, the Brightened the Illuminated.
قد كتب الله على كلّ نفس ان يحضر لدى العرش
God has written upon every person to present before the Throne
بما عنده ممّا لا عدل له
what he has himself, from that which is not equal to Him ,
انّا عفونا عن ذلك فضلاً من لدنّا انّه هو المعطي الكريم
indeed We have exempted from this, a favor from Our side, Indeed He is the Bountiful Grantor.
طوبى لمن توجّه الى مشرق الاذكار في الاسحار
Blessings are for those who are attentive towards the Bright Remembrance in the mornings,
ذاكراً متذكّراً مستغفراً واذا دخل يقعد صامتاً
mentioning , remembering , seeking forgiveness, and when they enter, sit down quietly,
لاصغآء ايات الله الملك العزيز الحميد
for listening the verses of God, the King the Dearest Praiseworthy.
قل مشرق الاذكار انّه كلّ بيت بني لذكري في المدن والقرى
Say, the Bright Remembrance! Indeed his every house is built for My remembrance in the city and village.
كذلك سمّي لدى العرش ان انتم من العارفين
Thus is the call from the side of the Throne, if you are from the understanding ones.
والّذين يتلون ايات الرّحمن باحسن الالحان
And those who recite the verses of the Gracious one with the best tunes,
اولئك يدركون منها ما لا يعادله ملكوت ملك السّموات والارضين
these are who perceive from it, which is not equal to that kingdom, the kingship of the skies and the lands.
وبها يجدون عرف عوالمي
and from that they get the understanding of My worlds,
الّتي لا يعرفها اليوم الاّ من اوتي البصر من هذا المنظر الكريم
which cannot recognize that today, except to whom the vision is given from this Bountiful sight.
قل انّها تجذب القلوب الصّافية الى العوالم الرّوحانيّة
Say! Indeed it attracts the pure hearts towards the worlds of spirituality,
الّتي لا تعبّر بالعبارة ولا تشار بالاشارة طوبى للسّامعين
which neither expresses to you with the phrase and nor points to you with the hint, blessings are for the listeners.
انصروا يا قوم اصفيآئي الّذين قاموا على ذكري بين خلقي
Assist, O nation ! to My sincere ones , those who stand upon My remembrance, among My creation,
وارتفاع كلمتي في مملكتي
and to raise My Words in My kingdom.
اولئك انجم سمآء عنايتي ومصابيح هدايتي للخلآئق اجمعين
These are the stars of the sky of My providence and the lamps of My guidance for all of the creations.
والّذي يتكلّم بغير ما نزّل في الواحي انّه ليس منّي
And who says other than what is sent down in My Revelations , Indeed he is not from Me.
ايّاكم ان تتّبعوا كلّ مدّعٍ اثيم
Beware! Lest you follow all the sinful claimants.
قد زيّنت الالواح بطراز ختم فالق الاصباح
The Tablets have been adorned with the style of the stamp of The Splitter of Mornings,
الّذي ينطق بين السّموات والارضين
which speaks between the skies and the lands.
تمسّكوا بالعروة الوثقى وحبل امري المحكم المتين
Hold fast with the bond of trust, and the rope of My Commandment the strong the durable.
قد اذن الله لمن اراد ان يتعلّم الالسن المختلفة
God has permitted those who wants to learn different languages
ليبلّغ امر الله شرق الارض وغربها
to inform , the commandment of God, to the east of the earth and its west
ويذكره بين الدّول والملل على شأن
and to remember Him among the state and the religious ones upon such a rank that
تنجذب به الافئدة ويحيى به كلّ عظم رميم
by this feelings are attracted, and every decayed bone becomes alive by it.
ليس للعاقل ان يشرب ما يذهب به العقل
It is not for the wise ones to drink which takes away their wisdom,
وله ان يعمل ما ينبغي للانسان
and it is for them to practice which is appropriate for human,
لا ما يرتكبه كلّ غافل مريب
that which is not committed by all the negligent doubtful ones.
زيّنوا رؤسكم باكليل الامانة والوفآء
Adorn your heads with the crown of honesty and faithfulness,
وقلوبكم بردآء التّقوى والسنكم بالصّدق الخالص
and your hearts with the dress of righteousness and your tongues with the pure truth,
وهياكلكم بطراز الاداب
and your bodies with the style of the manners.
كلّ ذلك من سجيّة الانسان لو انتم من المتبصّرين
All of these are from the characteristics of the human, if you are from the insightful ones.
يا اهل البهآء تمسّكوا بحبل العبوديّة لله الحقّ
O glorified people! Hold fast to the rope of servitude of True God,
بها تظهر مقاماتكم وتثبت اسمآئكم
by this manifested your stations and proven your names
وترتفع مراتبكم واذكاركم في لوح حفيظ
and exalted your positions and your mentioning in the protected Tablet.
ايّاكم ان يمنعكم من على الارض عن هذا المقام العزيز الرّفيع
Beware! Lest you are prevented by those who are on the earth from this station, the Dearest Supreme.
قد وصّيناكم بها في اكثر الالواح
We have bequeathed you for these in many Tablets,
وفي هذا اللّوح الّذي لاح من افقه
and in this tablet which is shining from its horizon,
نيّر احكام ربّكم المقتدر الحكيم
Brilliant are the ordinances of your Lord, the Competent Wise one.
اذا غيض بحر الوصال
When dries the sea of Attachment
وقضي كتاب المبدء في المآل
and completes the origin of the Book from the treasure,
توجّهوا الى من اراده الله
focus to that which is intended from God
الّذي انشعب من هذا الاصل القديم
which is diverged from this Ancient Source.
فانظروا في النّاس وقلّة عقولهم
And look into the human beings and the lack of their wisdom
يطلبون ما يضرّهم ويتركون ما ينفعهم
They are seeking which is harmful for them and they are leaving which is beneficial for them .
الا انّهم من الهآئمين
Behold! They are from the wanderers.
انّا نرى بعض النّاس ارادوا الحرّيّة
Indeed We see some human beings , desiring the freedom,
ويفتخرون بها اولئك في جهل مبين
and they are being proud of it, these are from the obvious ignorant.
انّ الحرّيّة تنتهي عواقبها الى الفتنة الّتي لا تخمد نارها
Indeed the freedom ends towards its seditious consequences, whose fire cannot be extinguished,
كذلك يخبركم المحصي العليم
Thus informs you the Reckoner the Knowledgeable.
فاعلموا انّ مطالع الحرّيّة ومظاهرها هي الحيوان
Then know, indeed to pursue the freedom and its manifestations, this is the animality
وللانسان ينبغي ان يكون تحت سنن
and for the human, it is appropriate to be under the law,
تحفظه عن جهل نفسه وضرّ الماكرين
to protect him from his ignorant self and the harm of the crafty ones.
ان الحرّيّة تخرج الانسان عن شئون الادب والوقار وتجعله من الارذلين
Indeed the freedom drives out the human from the affairs of the manners and dignity and makes him the vilest.
فانظروا الخلق كالاغنام لا بدّ لها من راعٍ ليحفظها
Then look to the creation as if the sheep, they have no option for any shepherd to protect them,
انّ هذا لحقّ يقين
Indeed this the truth certainly.
انّا نصدّقها في بعض المقامات دون الاخر انّا كنّا عالمين
Indeed We have testified that at some places except some others, indeed We are the Knowing one.
قل الحرّيّة في اتّباع اوامري لو انتم من العارفين
Say ! the freedom is in the pursuance of My commandments, if you are from the understanding ones.
لو اتّبع النّاس ما نزّلناه لهم من سمآء الوحي
If the human beings follow what We sent down for them from the revealing heaven,
ليجدنّ انفسهم في حرّيّة بحتة
they shall find themselves in the pure freedom.
طوبى لمن عرف مراد الله
Blessings are for those who understand the purpose of God,
فيما نزّل من سمآء مشيّته المهيمنة على العالمين
which is sent down from the heaven of His will, The Dominant over the Universes.
قل الحرّيّة الّتي تنفعكم انّها في العبوديّة لله الحقّ
Say! the freedom is which gives you benefit, Indeed that is in the servitude of True God,
والّذي وجد حلاوتها لا يبدّلها بملكوت ملك السّموات والأرضين
and who finds its sweetness, there is no alternate of that with the ownership of the kingdom of skies and lands.
حرّم عليكم السّؤال في البيان عفا الله عن ذلك
It was forbidden upon you to question from the Bayan, God exempted you from this,
لتسئلوا ما تحتاج به انفسكم
so that you could ask what you are needed from it for yourself,
لا ما تكلّم به رجال قبلكم
can’t speak like his, a man before you.
اتّقوا الله وكونوا من المتّقين
Fear God, and be from the righteous ones.
اسئلوا ما ينفعكم في امر الله وسلطانه
Ask what gives you benefit from the ordinance of God and His Sovereignty.
قد فتح باب الفضل على من في السّموات والارضين
The door of favor has opened who is upon the skies and the lands.
انّ عدّة الشّهور تسعة عشر شهراً في كتاب الله
Indeed the number of months is nineteen months in the book of God,
قد زيّن اوّلها بهذا الاسم المهيمن على العالمين
first of them has been adorned , with this name, the Dominant over the Universes.
قد حكم الله دفن الاموات في البلّور أو الاحجار الممتنعة او الاخشاب الصّلبة اللّطيفة
God has commanded the burial of the dead ones in the crystal or the special stones or the nice solid wood,
ووضع الخواتيم المنقوشة في اصابعهم انّه لهو المقدّر العليم
and to put the engraved rings in their fingers, indeed He is, who is the Valuator Knowledgeable.
يكتب للرّجال ولله ما في السّموات والارض وما بينهما وكان الله بكلّ شيء عليماً
Write for the men, and for God, whatever is in the skies and the earth and whatever is between both of them , and God is the Knowledgeable of everything.
وللورقات ولله ملك السّموات والارض وما بينهما وكان الله على كلّ شيء قديراً
And for the papers and for God, the kingdom of the skies and the earth and whatever is between both of them, and God is Capable-one over everything .
هذا ما نزّل من قبل وينادي نقطة البيان
This is, which was sent down before this, and proclaims the point of Bayan,
ويقول يا محبوب الامكان انطق في هذا المقام
and is says O the possible beloved! Speak from this station,
بما تتضوّع به نفحات الطافك بين العالمين
because Your diffusion is from its gifts of Your kindness among the universes.
انّا اخبرنا الكلّ بان لا يعادل بكلمة منك
Indeed we were informed all which is not equal with the words from You,
ما نزّل في البيان انّك انت المقتدر على ما تشآء
which was sent down in the Bayan, Indeed You are the Competent over whatever You want.
لا تمنع عبادك عن فيوضات بحررحمتك
Your servants are not deprived from the grants of Your blessed sea.
انّك انت ذو الفضل العظيم
Indeed You are the Owner of Greatest favor.
قد استجبنا ما اراد انّه لهو المحبوب المجيب
We have responded what was intended, Indeed He is, who is the Beloved Responding one.
لو ينقش عليها ما نزّل في الحين من لدى الله
If it is engraved over them, which is sent down right now, from the side of God,
انّه خير لهم ولهنّ انّا كنّا حاكمين
Indeed that is better for him and for her, Indeed We are the Rulers.
قد بدئت من الله ورجعت اليه منقطعاً عمّا سواه ومتمسّكاً باسمه الرّحمن الرّحيم
I initiated from God and I have reverted to Him, detaching from except Him, and clinging with His name, the Gracious the Merciful.
كذلك يختصّ الله من يشآء بفضل من عنده
Thus God allocates to whom He wills, with the favor from His side,
انّه لهو المقتدر القدير
Indeed He is, who is the Competent the Capable one.
وان تكفّنوه في خمسة اثواب من الحرير او القطن
And if you shroud them in five clothes from the silk or cotton
من لم يستطع يكتفي بواحدة منهما
Who cannot afford, it is enough with one, from both of them.
كذلك قضي الامر من لدن عليم خبير
Thus completed the commandment, from the side of the Knowledgeable Expert.
حرّم عليكم نقل الميّت ازيد من مسافة ساعة من المدينة
Forbidden upon you to carry the dead from the further distance of an hour from the city,
ادفنوه بالرّوح والرّيحان في مكان قريب
Bury it with the spirit and fragrance in a nearby place.
قد رفع الله ما حكم به البيان في تحديد الاسفار
God has lifted up what was decreed from the Bayan, in the limitations of travels
انّه لهو المختار يفعل ما يشآء ويحكم ما يريد
Indeed He is, who is the Preferred one, does whatever wants, and commands whatever intends.
يا ملأ الانشآء اسمعوا ندآء مالك الاسمآء
O multitude of the creation! Listen to the call of the Owner of names,
انّه يناديكم من شطر سجنه الاعظم
Indeed He is calling you, from the direction of his greatest prison,
انّه لا اله الاّ انا المقتدر
Indeed He is, there is no god except Me the Competent,
المتكبّر المتسخّر المتعالي العليم الحكيم
the Proud, the Controller, the Most Exalted, the Knowledgeable, the Wise one.
انّه لا اله الاّ هو المقتدر على العالمين
Indeed He is, there is no god except Him, the Competent over the universes.
لو يشآء ياخذ العالم بكلمة من عنده
If He wants, can hold the world by a word from His side.
ايّاكم ان تتوقّفوا في هذا الامر
Beware! Lest you stop from this ordinance,
الّذي خضع له الملأ الاعلى واهل مدآئن الاسمآء
those who have submitted to that , the supreme assembly and citizens of the names.
اتّقوا الله ولا تكوننّ من المحتجبين
Fear God, and be not from the protesting ones.
احرقوا الحجبات بنار حبّي والسّبحات
Burn the veils with the fire of My love and praises
بهذا الاسم الّذي به سخّرنا العالمين
with this name by which We have subdued the universes.
وارفعنّ البيتين في المقامين
And lift up both Houses in both Places,
والمقامات الّتي فيها استقرّ عرش ربّكم الرّحمن
And those Places on which stayed the Throne of your Gracious Lord.
كذلك يأمركم مولى العارفين
Thus commands you, the Lord of understanding ones.
ايّاكم ان تمنعكم شئونات الارض عمّا امرتم به من لدن قويّ امين
Beware! Lest prevent you the affairs of the world from that which was commanded you by this, from the side of Mighty Trustworthy.
كونوا مظاهر الاستقامة بين البريّة على شأن
Be the manifestations of righteousness among the creatures upon such a rank that
لا تمنعكم شبهات الّذين كفروا بالله اذ ظهر بسلطان عظيم
the doubts may not prevent you from those who denied God when appeared from the Greatest Sovereignty.
ايّاكم ان يمنعكم ما نزّل في الكتاب عن هذا الكتاب الّذي ينطق بالحقّ
Beware! Lest prevent you which was sent down in the Book from this Book which speaks with the truth.
انّه لا اله الاّ انا العزيز الحميد
Indeed He is, there is no god except Me the Dearest Praiseworthy.
انظروا بعين الانصاف الى من اتى من سمآء المشيّة والاقتدار
Look with the eye of equity, towards that which arrive from the heaven of the steps and ability
ولا تكوننّ من الظّالمين
and be not from the unjust ones.
ثمّ اذكروا ما جرى من قلم مبشّري في ذكر هذا الظّهور
Then remember what flowed from the Pen of My missionary, in the remembrance of this Manifestation,
وما ارتكبه اولو الطّغيان في ايّامه
and how the transgressors behaved him , in his days,
الا انّهم من الاخسرين
Behold! They are from the losers.
قال ان ادركتم ما نظهره انتم من فضل الله تسئلون
It said, if you had perceived which We manifested, you would have become the inquirers by the favor of God,
ليمنّ عليكم باستوآئه على سرآئركم فانّ ذلك عزّ ممتنع منيع
to favor upon you with its equality upon your seats, so indeed this is dignified, the Invincible Secure.
ان يشرب كأس مآء عندكم اعظم من ان تشربنّ كلّ نفس مآء وجوده بل كلّ شيء ان يا عبادي تدركون
If the cup of water is drunk which you have , it is better than that you drink the water of every person, of his existence, rather of everything, If O My Servants you would be perceiving ones.
هذا ما نزّل من عنده ذكراً لنفسي لو انتم تعلمون
This is what is sent down from his side, remembering for Myself, if you could know.
والّذي تفكّر في هذه الايات
And who contemplates from theses verses,
واطّلع بما ستر فيهنّ من اللّئالي المخزونة
and understands what is hidden in them, from the stored pearls.
تالله انّه يجد عرف الرّحمن من شطر السّجن
By God! Indeed he gets the understanding of the Gracious one, from the direction of the prison,
ويسرع بقلبه اليه باشتياق
and hastening with his heart to Him by longing,
لا تمنعه جنود السّموات والارضين
Cannot prevent him , the troops of the skies and the lands.
قل هذا لظهور تطوف حوله الحجّة والبرهان
Say! this is that manifestation which is moving around the justification and proof.
كذلك انزله الرّحمن ان انتم من المنصفين
Thus the Gracious one sent down that, if you are from the just ones.
قل هذا روح الكتب قد نفخ به في القلم الاعلى
Say this is the spirit of Book, it has been blown from the Supreme Pen,
وانصعق من في الانشآء الاّ من اخذته نفحات رحمتي
and are fainted who are from the creation, except who holds the Gift of My blessing.
وفوحات الطافي المهيمنة على العالمين
and the diffusions of My kindness, The Dominant over the Universes.
يا ملأ البيان اتّقوا الرّحمن
O the multitude of Bayan! fear the Gracious One,
ثمّ انظروا ما انزله في مقام اخر
then look to that what is sent down in another place,
قال انّما القبلة من يظهره الله متى ينقلب تنقلب الى ان يستقرّ
it said, however, the direction is from whom God manifests, whenever turns, you turn until settles down.
كذلك نزّل من لدن مالك القدر
Thus it is sent down from the side of the Owner of the Destiny,
اذ اراد ذكر هذا المنظر الاكبر
when intended to mention this greatest Sight.
تفكّروا يا قوم ولا تكوننّ من الهآئمين
Contemplate O nation! and be not from the wandering ones.
لو تنكرونه باهوآئكم الى اية قبلة تتوجّهون يا معشر الغافلين
If you deny that, with your desires, then to which direction you will face, O the group of negligent ones?
تفكّروا في هذه الاية ثمّ انصفوا بالله
Contemplate in this verse, then do justice with God,
لعلّ تجدون لئالي الاسرار من البحر
Perhaps, you could find the secrets of the pearls from the sea,
الّذي تموّج باسمي العزيز المنيع
whose ripples are with My Name, the Dearest the Secure.
ليس لاحد ان يتمسّك اليوم الاّ بما ظهر في هذا الظّهور
It is not for anyone to cling today, except that what is manifested in this manifestation.
هذا حكم الله من قبل ومن بعد وبه زيّن صحف الاوّلين
This is the Command of God from early and afterward , and by this adorned are the Scriptures of the earlier ones.
هذا ذكر الله من قبل ومن بعد
This is the Remembrance of God from early and afterward.
قد طرّز به ديباج كتاب الوجود ان انتم من الشّاعرين
Embroidered from this, the silk garment of the Existing Book, if you are from the poets.
هذا امر الله من قبل ومن بعد
This is the Ordinance of God from early and afterward
ايّاكم ان تكونوا من الصّاغرين
Beware! Lest you be from the disgraceful ones.
لا يغنيكم اليوم شيء وليس لاحد مهرب الاّ الله العليم الحكيم
Nothing can enrich you today, and nor is escape for anyone except God, the Knowledgeable Wise one.
من عرفني قد عرف المقصود
Whoever understands Me, has understood the intended one,
من توجّه اليّ قد توجّه الى المعبود
Whoever proceeds towards Me, has proceeded towards the worshipped one.
كذلك فصّل في الكتاب وقضي الامر من لدى الله ربّ العالمين
Thus is described in the Book, and the ordinance has been completed from the side of God, the Lord of the Universes.
من يقرء اية من اياتي لخير له من ان يقرء كتب الاوّلين والاخرين
Whoever recites a verse from My verses, it is better for him than to recite the books of the earlier ones and the later ones .
هذا بيان الرّحمن ان انتم من السّامعين
This is the statement of the Gracious one, if you are from the listeners.
قل هذا حقّ العلم لو انتم من العارفين
Say! this is the true knowledge, if you are from the understanding ones.
ثمّ انظروا ما نزّل في مقام اخر
Then look, what was sent down in another place,
لعلّ تدعون ما عندكم مقبلين الى الله ربّ العالمين
perhaps you call which is with you, desiring towards God, the Lord of the universes.
قال لا يحلّ الاقتران ان لم يكن في البيان
It said, it is not lawful to join if they are not in the Bayan,
وان يدخل من احد يحرم على الاخر ما يملك من عنده الاّ وان يرجع ذلك
and if anyone gets in, it is forbidden on the other, what is owned from his side, except if they revert on this,
بعد ان يرفع امر من نظهره بالحقّ
later on, if the ordinance is lifted which We shall manifest with the truth,
او ما قد ظهر بالعدل
or what has been appeared with the justice,
وقبل ذلك فلتقربنّ لعلّكم بذلك امر الله ترفعون
and before this they should live together, perhaps, by this, the ordinance of God could uplift you.
كذلك تغرّدت الورقآء على الافنان في ذكر ربّها الرّحمن طوبى للسّامعين
Thus chanted the papers over the branches, in the remembrance of their Gracious Lord, blessings are for the listeners.
يا ملأ البيان اقسمكم بربّكم الرّحمن
O the multitude of Statement! I adjure you by your Gracious Lord,
بان تنظروا فيما نزّل بالحقّ بعين الانصاف
that you look in it which is sent down with the truth , by the eyes of equity
ولا تكوننّ من الّذين يرون برهان الله وينكرونه
and be not from those who see the proofs of God and deny them.
الا انّهم من الهالكين
Behold! Indeed, they are from the destruct ones.
قد صرّح نقطة البيان في هذه الاية
The point of Bayan has been described from this verse,
بارتفاع امري قبل امره يشهد بذلك كلّ منصف عليم
to exalt My command before this ordinance, it is being witnessed by every knowledgeable just one,
كما ترونه اليوم انّه ارتفع على شأن
as you see it today, indeed, He is exalted upon such a rank that
لا ينكره الاّ الّذين سكّرت ابصارهم
cannot deny Him except those who have intoxicated their sights,
في الاولى وفي الاخرى لهم عذاب مهين
from the first and from the afterward, there is disgraceful punishment for them.
قل تالله انّي لمحبوبه
Say! by God, I am His beloved
والان يسمع ما ينزل من سمآء الوحي
and now listening what is sent down from the revealing heaven
وينوح بما ارتكبتم في ايّامه
and mourning due to what you behaved in these days.
خافوا الله ولا تكوننّ من المعتدين
Fear God, and not to be from the aggressors.
قل يا قوم ان لن تؤمنوا به لا تعترضوا عليه
Say! O nation if you do not believe in it, do not object on it,
تالله يكفي ما اجتمع عليه من جنود الظّالمين
by God there are enough who are gathered on it, from the troops of unjust ones.
انّه قد انزل بعض الاحكام
Indeed He has been sent down some commandments,
لئلا يتحرّك القلم الاعلى في هذا الظّهور
lest to move the Supreme Pen from this manifestation,
الاّ على ذكر مقاماته العليا ومنظره الاسنى
except to mention over His Superior stations and His Nobel sights.
وانّا لمّا اردنا الفضل فصّلناها بالحقّ
And when We intended the favor, We described it with the truth,
وخفّفنا ما اردناه لكم انّه لهو الفضّال الكريم
and We hid what We intended that for you, Indeed He is, who is the Beneficent the Bountiful.
قد اخبركم من قبل بما ينطق به هذا الذّكر الحكيم
It has been informed you before this, which is speaking by this Wise Remembrance.
قال وقوله الحقّ انّه ينطق في كلّ شأن
It said, and His saying is true, Indeed He speaks in every style.
انّه لا اله الاّ انا الفرد الواحد العليم الخبير
Indeed He is, there is no god except Me, the Solitary One, the Knowledgeable Expert.
هذا مقام خصّه الله لهذا الظّهور الممتنع البديع
This station is special of God for this manifestation, the Invincible, the Admirable.
هذا من فضل الله ان انتم من العارفين
This is from the favor of God, if you are from the understanding ones.
هذا من امره المبرم واسمه الاعظم وكلمته العليا
This is from His approved Ordinance and His greatest Name and His superior Words,
ومطلع اسمآئه الحسنى لو انتم من العالمين
and to understand His Graceful Names, if you are from the knowledgeable ones.
بل به تظهر المطالع والمشارق
But by this, appeared to you the rising one and the brightening one.
تفكّروا يا قوم فيما نزّل بالحقّ
Contemplate O nation! which is sent down in it with the truth,
وتدبّروا فيه ولا تكوننّ من المعتدين
and consider in it, and not to be from the aggressors.
عاشروا مع الاديان بالرّوح والرّيحان
Socialize with the religions with the spirit and fragrance,
ليجدوا منكم عرف الرّحمن
so that they may get from you the recognition of the Gracious one.
ايّاكم ان تأخذكم حميّة الجاهليّة بين البريّة
Beware! Lest you get the fanaticism of the ignorance among the creatures.
كلّ بدء من الله ويعود اليه
Everyone has initiated from God and returns to Him,
انّه لمبدء الخلق ومرجع العالمين
indeed although He is the Beginner of the creation and the Source of the universes.
ايّاكم ان تدخلوا بيتاً عند فقدان صاحبه
Beware! Lest you enter the house in the absence of its owner,
الاّ بعد اذنه تمسّكوا بالمعروف في كلّ الاحوال
except after his permission, hold fast with the well-known in all circumstances,
ولا تكوننّ من الغافلين
and not to be from the negligent ones.
قد كتب عليكم تزكية الاقوات وما دونها بالزّكوة
Written upon you to purify your foods and other than that, by the charity,
هذا ما حكم به منزل الايات في هذا الرّقّ المنيع
this is what is ordered by the Sender of the verses, from this Secure Parchment.
سوف نفصّل لكم نصابها اذا شآء الله واراد
We will describe for you its condition when God will desire and intend.
انّه يفصّل ما يشآء بعلم من عنده
Indeed He describes what desires, with the knowledge from His side,
انّه لهو العلاّم الحكيم
Indeed He is, who is the Omniscient the Wise one.
لا يحل السّؤال ومن سئل حرّم عليه العطآء
Begging is not lawful, and who begs it is forbidden to give him.
قد كتب على الكلّ ان يكسب
Written upon everyone to earn,
والّذي عجز فللوكلآء والاغنيآء ان يعيّنوا له ما يكفيه
and who is unable, then for the agents and rich ones to assign for him which is sufficient.
اعملوا حدود الله وسننه ثمّ احفظوها كما تحفظون اعينكم
Act upon the limitations of God and His laws, then protect them, like you protect your eye,
ولا تكوننّ من الخاسرين
and not to be from the losers.
قد منعتم في الكتاب عن الجدال والنّزاع والضّرب وامثالها
You have been restricted in the Book from quarreling and conflicting and beating and similar of these,
عمّا تحزن به الافئدة والقلوب
whatever grieves you by the feelings and the hearts.
من يحزن احداً فله ان ينفق تسعة عشر مثقالاً من الذّهب
Whoever gives the grief to anyone, it is for him to pay nineteen mithqals from the gold,
هذا ما حكم به مولى العالمين
this is what is ordered by the Lord of the universes.
انّه قد عفا ذلك عنكم في هذا الظّهور
Indeed He has been exempted this upon you, from this manifestation,
ويوصيكم بالبرّ والتّقوى
and advises you with the piety and righteousness,
امراً من عنده في هذا اللّوح المنير
an order from Him, in this illuminated Tablet.
لا ترضوا لاحد ما لا ترضونه لانفسكم
Do not you like for anyone which you do not you like for yourself.
اتّقوا الله ولا تكوننّ من المتكبّرين
Fear God, and do not to be from the proud ones.
كلّكم خلقتم من المآء وترجعون الى التّراب
All of you created from the water and return towards the dust.
تفكّروا في عواقبكم ولا تكوننّ من الظّالمين
Contemplate in your consequences and not to be from the unjust ones,
اسمعوا ما تتلو السّدرة عليكم من ايات الله
listen what recited the Dazzle upon you from the verses of God,
انّها لقسطاس الهدى من الله ربّ الاخرة والاولى
Indeed it is the scale of guidance from God, Lord of the hereafter and the first,
وبها تطير النّفوس الى مطلع الوحي
and by this persons fly towards the Rising Revelation,
وتستضيء افئدة المقبلين
and enlighten the feelings of the well-wishers.
تلك حدود الله قد فرضت عليكم
These are the limitations of God, have been imposed upon you,
وتلك اوامر الله قد امرتم بها في اللّوح
and these are the ordinance of God, their order has been given to you form the Tablet,
اعملوا بالرّوح والرّيحان
act upon with the spirit and fragrance,
هذا خير لكم ان انتم من العارفين
this is better for you if you are from the understanding ones.
اتلوا ايات الله في كلّ صباح ومسآء
Recite the verses of God in every morning and evening
انّ الّذي لم يتل لم يوف بعهد الله وميثاقه
Indeed who does not recite, does not fulfill the commitment with God and His covenant,
والّذي اعرض عنها اليوم
and who turns away from this today,
انّه ممّن اعرض عن الله في ازل الازال
indeed he is from those who turn away from God, from ever forever.
اتّقنّ الله يا عبادي كلّكم اجمعون
Be perfect to God, O My servants all of you together.
لا تغرّنّكم كثرة القرآئة والاعمال في اللّيل والنّهار
Do not deceive you the excess of reciting and deeds in the night and day,
لو يقرء احد اية من الايات بالرّوح والرّيحان
if anyone recites one verse from the verses with the spirit and fragrance,
خير له من ان يتلو بالكسالة صحف الله المهيمن القيّوم
better for him from that if recites with laziness the Scriptures of God , the Dominant Existing one.
اتلوا ايات الله على قدر لا تأخذكم الكسالة والاحزان
Recite verses of God in such a measure, may not come to you the laziness and griefs,
لا تحملوا على الارواح ما يكسلها ويثقلها
do not put over the spirits which gives them the laziness and heaviness,
بل ما يخفّها لتطير باجنحة الايات الى مطلع البيّنات
but which lightens them, so that you could fly you with the wings of verses, towards the rising evidences,
هذا اقرب الى الله لو انتم تعقلون
this is nearer to God if you could understand.
علّموا ذرّيّاتكم ما نزّل من سمآء العظمة والاقتدار
Teach your children what is sent down from the heaven of Greatness and ability,
ليقرئوا الواح الرّحمن باحسن الالحان
so that they could recite the tablet of the Gracious one with the best tunes,
في الغرف المبنيّة في مشارق الأذكار
in the built room at the Brighten Remembrances.
انّ الّذي اخذه جذب محبّة اسمي الرّحمن
Indeed who holds that in the charm of love of My Gracious name,
انّه يقرء ايات الله على شأن
Indeed he recites the verses of God upon such a rank that
تنجذب به افئدة الرّاقدين
by this attracted the feelings of sleeping ones.
هنيئاً لمن شرب رحيق الحيوان من بيان ربه الرّحمن
Congratulations for him who drinks the nectar of life from the Bayan of his Gracious Lord
بهذا الاسم الّذي به نسف كلّ جبل باذخ رفيع
by this name, from which blasted all sumptuous exalted mountains.
كتب عليكم تجديد اسباب البيت بعد انقضآء تسع عشرة سنة
Written upon you to renew the sources of house after completing the nineteen years.
كذلك قضي الامر من لدن عليم خبير
Thus completed the ordinance from the side of the Knowledgeable Expert.
انّه اراد تلطيفكم وما عندكم
Indeed He wants to relax you and which you have.
اتّقوا الله ولا تكوننّ من الغافلين
Fear God, and be not from the negligent ones,
والّذي لم يستطع عفا الله عنه انّه لهو الغفور الكريم
and who does not afford, God has exempted him, indeed He is, who is the Bountiful Forgiver.
اغسلوا ارجلكم كلّ يوم في الصّيف
Wash your feet every day in summer,
وفي الشّتآء كلّ ثلثة ايّام مرّة واحدة
and in the winter every third day, one time.
ومن اغتاظ عليكم قابلوه بالرّفق
And whoever resents upon you, meet him with gentleness,
والّذي زجركم لا تزجروه
and who shouts at you, do not shout at him,
دعوه بنفسه وتوكّلوا على الله المنتقم العادل القدير
leave him to his self and trust upon God, the Avenger the Equitable the Capable.
قد منعتم عن الارتقآء الى المنابر
You have been restricted to rise over the pulpits,
من اراد ان يتلو عليكم ايات ربّه
whoever wants to recite upon you, the verses of his Lord
فليقعد على الكرسيّ الموضوع على السّرير
then should sit over the situated chair on the couch
ويذكر الله ربّه وربّ العالمين
and remember God, his Lord and the Lord of Universes.
قد احبّ الله جلوسكم على السّرر والكراسيّ
God has loved your siting over the sofas and chairs
لعزّ ما عندكم من حبّ الله ومطلع امره المشرق المنير
to honor what you have which God has loved, and to rise His ordinance, the Brightened the Illuminated.
حرّم عليكم الميسر والافيون
Forbidden upon you the gambling and the opium,
اجتنبوا يا معشر الخلق ولا تكوننّ من المتجاوزين
avoid them, O the group of creation! and not to be from the encroacher ones.
ايّاكم ان تستعملوا ما تكسل به هياكلكم ويضرّ ابدانكم
Beware! Lest you use those which laze your structures and harm your bodies.
انّا ما اردنا لكم الاّ ما ينفعكم
Indeed We don’t want for you except which gives you benefits,
يشهد بذلك كلّ الاشيآء لو انتم تسمعون
witnessing this, all the things, if you could listen.
اذا دعيتم الى الولآئم والعزآئم اجيبوا بالفرح والانبساط
When you are invited for the banquets and resolutions, respond with the joy and pleasure,
والّذي وفى بالوعد انّه امن من الوعيد
And who keeps the promise, indeed he is secure from the threat.
هذا يوم فيه فصّل كلّ امر حكيم
This is the Day, described in it every wise ordinance.
قد ظهر سرّ التّنكيس لرمز الرّئيس
Appeared the secret reversion in the image of the chief.
طوبى لمن ايّده الله على الاقرار بالسّتّة
Blessings are for those who assist God, on admitting with six,
الّتي ارتفعت بهذه الالف القآئمه الا انّه من المخلصين
which uplifted with these thousand acknowledgments, behold! indeed they are from the sincere ones.
كم من ناسك اعرض وكم من تارك اقبل
How many of the ascetics turned away and how many of the abandoning ones accepted,
وقال لك الحمد يا مقصود العالمين
and said, praises for you O Desire of the universes,
انّ الامر بيد الله يعطي من يشآء ما يشآء
Indeed the command is in the hand of God, gives to whom wills, whatever wills,
ويمنع عمّن يشآء ما اراد
and prevents whom wills, whatever intends,
يعلم خافية القلوب وما يتحرّك به اعين اللاّمزين
knows the hidden of the heart, and which moves by this, the eyes of the criticizing ones.
كم من غافل اقبل بالخلوص اقعدناه على سرير القبول
How many of the negligent ones accepted with the sincerity , We seated him over the couch of acceptance,
وكم من عاقل رجعناه الى النّار
and how of the many intelligent ones, We reverted him to the fire,
عدلاً من عندنا انّا كنّا حاكمين
it is justice from Our side, Indeed We are the Ruling ones.
انّه لمظهر يفعل الله ما يشآء
Indeed He is the Manifestation, God does whatever He wills,
والمستقرّ على عرش يحكم ما يريد
and stables over the Throne, commands whatever is intended.
طوبى لمن وجد عرف المعاني من اثر هذا القلم
Blessings are for those who find the understanding of the meanings from the influence of this Pen,
الّذي اذا تحرّك فاحت نسمة الله فيما سواه
which whenever moves, comes the fragrance of God’s breezes , in it there is only He,
واذا توقّف ظهرت كينونة الاطمينان في الامكان
and whenever stops, the existence of tranquility appears from the possibilities.
تعالى الرّحمن مظهر هذا الفضل العظيم
Exalted is the Gracious one, the Manifest of this Greatest favor.
قل بما حمل الظّلم ظهر العدل فيما سواه
Say due to carrying the injustice, manifested the justice, in it there is only He,
وبما قبل الذّلّة لاح عزّ الله بين العالمين
and due to before the humiliation, brightening the dignity of God among the universes.
حرّم عليكم حمل الات الحرب الاّ حين الضّرورة
Forbidden upon you to carry the instruments of fighting, except during the necessities,
واحلّ لكم لبس الحرير
and lawful for you the silk garment.
قد رفع الله عنكم حكم الحدّ في اللّباس واللّحى
God has lifted upon you the decree of the limitation from the garment and beard,
فضلاً من عنده انّه لهو الامر العليم
it is a favor from His side, indeed He is, who is the Dictator Knowledgeable.
اعملوا ما لا تنكره العقول المستقيمة
Act upon which cannot deny them, the straight minds,
ولا تجعلوا انفسكم ملعب الجاهلين
and do not make yourself the playground of the ignorant ones.
طوبى لمن تزيّن بطراز الاداب والاخلاق
Blessings are for him who adorns with the style of decency and ethics,
انّه ممّن نصر ربّه بالعمل الواضح المبين
indeed he is from those who assists his Lord by deeds, the clear the obvious.
عمّروا ديار الله وبلاده ثمّ اذكروه فيها بترنّمات المقرّبين
Build dwelling of God and His regions, then remember Him in it, with the chanting of the closest ones.
انمّا تعمّر القلوب باللّسان كما تعمّر البيوت والدّيار باليد واسباب اخر
Indeed hearts are built by tongue, like houses and residences are built by hand and other sources.
قد قدّرنا لكلّ شيء سبباً من عندنا
We have established the causes for everything from Our side,
تمسّكوا به وتوكّلوا على الحكيم الخبير
Hold fast to it, and trust over the Wise one the Expert.
طوبى لمن اقرّ بالله واياته
Blessings are for those who acknowledge God and His verses,
واعترف بانّه لا يسئل عمّا يفعل
and confess that indeed He can not to be questioned whatever He does.
هذه كلمة قد جعلها الله طراز العقآئد واصلها
This is the word, God has made the style of the beliefs and its source,
وبها يقبل عمل العاملين
and by this accepts the deeds of the workers.
اجعلوا هذه الكلمة نصب عيونكم
Put this word fixed on your eyes,
لئلا تزلّكم اشارات المعرضين
lest slip you, the signals of the exhibiting ones.
لو يحلّ ما حرّم في ازل الازال او بالعكس
If makes lawful which was unlawful from ever forever or vice versa,
ليس لاحد ان يعترض عليه
it is not for anyone to object on it,
والّذي توقّف في اقلّ من ان انّه من المعتدين
and who stops for less than a moment, indeed he is from the aggressors.
والّذي ما فاز بهذا الاصل الاسنى والمقام الاعلى
And who does not attain by this Noble source and Supreme position,
تحرّكه ارياح الشّبهات وتقلّبه مقالات المشركين
move him the winds of doubts and fluctuate him the articles of the polytheists.
من فاز بهذا الاصل قد فاز بالاستقامة الكبرى
Whoever attains by this source, has attained by the greatest straightness.
حبّذا هذا المقام الابهى الّذي بذكره زيّن كلّ لوح منيع
How excellent is this glorious station! whose remembrance is adorned with all the Secured Tablet.
كذلك يعلّمكم الله ما يخلّصكم عن الرّيب والحيرة
Thus God teaches you, which clears you from doubt and confusion,
وينجّيكم في الدّنيا والاخرة انّه هو الغفور الكريم
and rescues you from the world and the hereafter, indeed He is the Bountiful Forgiver.
هو الّذي ارسل الرّسل وانزل الكتب
He Who has sent the messenger and has sent down the Book,
على انّه لا اله الاّ انا العزيز الحكيم
Over it indeed He is, there is no god except Me the Dearest Wise one.
يا ارض الكاف والرّآء انّا نراك على ما لا يحبّه الله
O the land of K and R, indeed We see over you which God does not love,
ونرى منك ما لا اطّلع به احد الاّ الله العليم الخبير
and We see in you who are not aware by this anyone, except God the Knowledgeable Expert.
ونجد ما يمرّ منك في سرّ السّرّ
And We find which is passing in you, from the secret mysteries,
عندنا علم كلّ شيء في لوح مبين
We have the knowledge of everything in the Obvious Tablet.
لا تحزني بذلك سوف يظهر الله فيك اولي بأس شديد
Do not be sad by this, God will manifest from you the strong mighty people,
يذكرونني باستقامة لا تمنعهم اشارات العلمآء
they will remember Me with straightness, cannot prevent them the signals of the scholars,
ولا تحجبهم شبهات المريبين
and cannot veiled them, the doubts of the suspicious ones.
اولئك ينظرون الله باعينهم
These are those who see God by their eyes,
وينصرونه بانفسهم الا انّهم من الرّاسخين
and assist Him by themselves, behold! Indeed, they from the firmed ones.
يا معشر العلمآء لمّا نزّلت الايات وظهرت البيّنات
O the group of scholars, whenever verses were sent down and the evidences appear,
رأيناكم خلف الحجبات ان هذا الاّ شيء عجاب
We saw you behind the veils, it is but something amazing.
قد افتخرتم باسمي وغفلتم عن نفسي
You had been boasting by My name, and you neglect from Myself ,
اذ اتى الرّحمن بالحجّة والبرهان
when came the Gracious one with justification and proof.
انّا خرقنا الاحجاب ايّاكم ان تحجبوا النّاس بحجاب اخر
Indeed We have torn the veil, beware! lest you veil the human beings by another veil,
كسّروا سلاسل الاوهام باسم مالك الأنام ولا تكوننّ من الخادعين
Break the chains of illusions, by the name of the Owner of the living beings and not to be from the deceivers ,
اذا اقبلتم الى الله ودخلتم هذا الامر لا تفسدوا فيه
Whenever you come towards God, and you enter in this ordinance, do not spoil in it,
ولا تقيسوا كتاب الله باهوآئكم
and do not measure the book of God by your desires,
هذا نصح الله من قبل ومن بعد
this is the advice of God from early and afterward,
يشهد بذلك شهدآء الله واصفيآئه انّا كلّ له شاهدون
witnessing this, the martyrs of God and His pure ones, indeed all of us are in His witnesses.
اذكروا الشّيخ الّذي سمّي بمحمّد قبل حسن
Remember the Sheikh , who was called by Muhammad before Hasan,
وكان من اعلم العلمآء في عصره
and he was known from the scholar, in his period,
لمّا ظهر الحقّ اعرض عنه هو وامثاله
when manifested the Truth, turned away from that , he and his similar,
واقبل الى الله من ينقّي القمح والشّعير
and accepted to God ,who cleaned the wheat and barley,
وكان يكتب على زعمه احكام الله في اللّيل والنّهار
and wrote on his vision the ordinance of God, in the night and day,
ولمّا اتى المختار ما نفعه حرف منها
and when arrived the Preferred one, could not benefit him, a letter from it,
لو نفعه لم يعرض عن وجه به انارت وجوه المقرّبين
If it benefited him, he would never have turned away from this face by which illuminated are the faces of the closest ones.
لو امنتم بالله حين ظهوره ما اعرض عنه النّاس
If you had believed in God at the time of His manifestation, the human beings would not have turned away from Him ,
وما ورد علينا ما ترونه اليوم
and nor would have happened upon Us, that which you see today,
اتّقوا الله ولا تكوننّ من الغافلين
fear God, and not to be from the negligent ones.
ايّاكم ان تمنعكم الاسمآء عن مالكها
Beware! Lest prevent you the names from His owner,
او يحجبكم ذكر عن هذا الذّكر الحكيم
or veil you the remembrance from this wise Remembrance.
استعيذوا بالله يا معشر العلمآء
Seek protection in God, O the group of scholars,
ولا تجعلوا انفسكم حجاباً بيني وبين خلقي
and do not make yourself a veil among Me and among My creation.
كذلك يعظكم الله ويامركم بالعدل
Thus God advises you, and ordains you by justice,
لئلا تحبط اعمالكم وانتم غافلون
lest waste your deeds and you remain the negligent ones.
انّ الّذي اعرض عن هذا الامر
Indeed who turns away from this ordinance,
هل يقدر ان يثبت حقّاً في الابداع
are they capable to prove the Truth from the innovation ?
لا ومالك الاختراع ولكنّ النّاس في حجاب مبين
No, by the Owner of the creation! But the human beings are in the obvious veil.
قل به اشرقت شمس الحجّة
Say! by this illuminated the sun of justification,
ولاح نيّر البرهان لمن في الامكان
and shinning is the brilliant proof for those who are from the possibilities.
اتّقوا الله يا اولي الابصار ولا تنكرون
Fear God, O the people of eyes and do not be deniers.
ايّاكم ان يمنعكم ذكر النّبيّ عن هذا النّبأ الاعظم
Beware! Lest prevent you the remembrance of prophet from this Greatest news,
او الولاية عن ولاية الله المهيمنة على العالمين
or the guardianship from the guardianship of God, the Dominant over the Universes.
قد خلق كلّ اسم بقوله
Every name has been created by His word,
وعلّق كلّ امر بامره المبرم العزيز البديع
and every ordinance is attached by His approved Ordinance, the Dearest Admirable.
قل هذا يوم الله
Say! this is the Day of God,
لا يذكر فيه الاّ نفسه المهيمنة على العالمين
there is no remembrance in it except His Self, the Dominant over the Universes.
هذا امر اضطرب منه ما عندكم من الاوهام والتّماثيل
This is the ordinance, from which it is upset what you have, from the illusions and statues.
قد نرى منكم من يأخذ الكتاب
We have seen from you who are holding the book
ويستدلّ به على الله كما استدلّت كلّ ملّة بكتابها على الله المهيمن القيّوم
and deduce from it upon God, like every nation deduced by their book upon God , the Dominant Existing one.
قل تالله الحقّ لا تغنيكم اليوم كتب العالم
Say! By God it is true, cannot enrich you today the books of the world
ولا ما فيه من الصّحف الاّ بهذا الكتاب
and nor what is inside from the scriptures except by this Book,
الّذي ينطق في قطب الابداع
which speaks from the pole of the Innovation,
انّه لا اله الاّ انا العليم الحكيم
indeed He is, there is no god except Me, the Knowledgeable Wise one.
يا معشر العلمآء ايّاكم ان تكونوا سبب الاختلاف في الاطراف
O the group of scholars! Beware lest you become cause of the conflict in the parties,
كما كنتم علّة الاعراض في اوّل الامر
like you criticized the symptoms in the former ordinance.
اجمعوا النّاس على هذه الكلمة
Gather the human beings upon this Word,
الّتي بها صاحت الحصاة الملك لله مطلع الايات
that from which shouted the pebbles, the kingship is for God, the Riser of verses.
كذلك يعظكم الله فضلاً من عنده انّه لهو الغفور الكريم
Thus God advises you, from the favor of His side, indeed He is, who is the Bountiful Forgiver.
اذكروا الكريم اذ دعوناه الى الله
Remember Karim when We called him towards God,
انّه استكبر بما اتّبع هواه
indeed he was proud due to following his desires,
بعد اذ ارسلنا اليه ما قرّت به عين البرهان في الامكان
after all when We sent down upon him, by which cooled the eyes of proof from the possibilities,
وتمّت حجّة الله على من في السّموات والارضين
and completed the justification of God on those who are from the skies and lands.
انّا امرناه بالاقبال فضلاً من الغنيّ المتعال
Indeed We ordained him with dedication, a favor from the Exalted Rich.
انّه ولّى مدبراً الى ان اخذته زبانية العذاب
Indeed he ran way by understanding, until held him the stinging torment,
عدلاً من الله انّا كنّا شاهدين
a justice from God, indeed We are the witnessing ones.
اخرقنّ الاحجاب على شأن
Tear off the veils upon such a rank that
يسمع اهل الملكوت صوت خرقها
the residents of Kingdom should hear its blasting sound.
هذا امر الله من قبل ومن بعد
This is the Ordinance of God from early and afterward,
طوبى لمن عمل بما امر ويل للتّاركين
blessings are for those who act upon whatever is ordered, woe for the leaving ones.
انّا ما اردنا في الملك الاّ ظهور الله وسلطانه
Indeed We do not want in the kingship, except the manifestation of God and His Sovereignty
وكفى بالله عليّ شهيداً
and sufficient is the loftier witnessing of God.
انّا ما اردنا في الملكوت الاّ علوّ امر الله وثنآئه
Indeed We do not intend in the kingdom, except exalting the ordinance of God and His praises,
وكفى بالله عليّ وكيلاً
and sufficient is the loftier agency of God.
انّا ما اردنا في الجبروت الاّ ذكر الله وما نزّل من عنده
Indeed We do not intend in the dictatorship, except the remembrance of God and what is sent down from His side,
وكفى بالله معيناً
and sufficient is the assistance of God.
طوبى لكم يا معشر العلمآء في البهآء
Blessings are for you, O the group of scholars from the glorified ones.
تالله انتم امواج البحر الاعظم وانجم سمآء الفضل
By God! You are waves of the greatest sea and the stars of the sky of favor,
والوية النّصر بين السّموات والارضين
and the banner of victory between the skies and the lands.
انتم مطالع الاستقامة بين البريّة
You are the pursuer of straightness among the creature,
ومشارق البيان لمن في الامكان
and the brightening of Bayan for those who are from the possibilities,
طوبى لمن اقبل اليكم ويل للمعرضين
Blessings are for those who accept you, and woe to the exhibiting ones.
ينبغي اليوم لمن شرب رحيق الحيوان من يد الطاف ربّه الرّحمن
it is appropriate today for those who drink the nectar of life from the hand of the kindness of their Gracious Lord,
ان يكون نبّاضاً كالشّريان في جسد الامكان
that to be as pulse like the arteries in the possible body,
ليتحرّك به العالم وكلّ عظم رميم
to move the universe through it, and every decayed bone .
يا اهل الانشآء اذا طارت الورقآء عن ايك الثّنآء
O people of the creation when rise the papers from the bush of praises,
وقصدت المقصد الاقصى الاخفى
and intended the outmost ambition , the hidden ones.
ارجعوا ما لا عرفتموه من الكتاب
Revert which you do not understand from the Book,
الى الفرع المنشعب من هذا الاصل القويم
to the section of crotch from This upright source.
يا قلم الاعلى تحرّك على اللّوح باذن ربّك فاطر السّمآء
O the Supreme Pen! Move over the Tablet with the permission of you Lord, Creator of the sky,
ثمّ اذكر اذ اراد مطلع التّوحيد مكتب التّجريد
then remember, when intended the Riser of the Monotheism the study of abstraction ,
لعلّ الاحرار يطّلعنّ على قدر سمّ الابرة
perhaps the freedom may inform them as equal to the eye of a needle,
بما هو خلف الاستار من اسرار ربّك العزيز العلاّم
because that was behind the curtains from the secrets of you Lord the Dearest Omniscient.
قل انّا دخلنا مكتب المعاني والتّبيان حين غفلة من في الامكان
Say! Indeed we enter into the study of the meaning and explanation, during negligence which could be from the possibilities,
وشاهدنا ما انزله الرّحمن
and we are the witnesses which the Gracious one sent down,
وقبلنا ما اهداه لي من ايات الله المهيمن القيّوم
and we accepted which He guided to me from the verses of God, the Dominant Existing one.
وسمعنا ما شهد به في اللّوح انّا كنّا شاهدين
and we listened which is witnessed from this Tablet, indeed we are the witnessing ones.
واجبناه بامر من عندنا انّا كنّا آمرين
And We replied him by the ordinance from Our side, indeed We are the Dictating Ones.
يا ملأ البيان انّا دخلنا مكتب الله اذ انتم راقدون
O multitude of the Bayan! Indeed We have entered into the study of God while you are lying,
ولاحظنا اللّوح اذ انتم نآئمون
and We observed the Tablet while you are sleeping.
تالله الحقّ قد قرئناه قبل نزوله وانتم غافلون
By God! it is true, We have read that before that was sent down , and you are neglecting,
قد احطنا الكتاب اذ كنتم في الاصلاب
We have comprehended the Book while you are in the hardcore,
هذا ذكري على قدركم لا على قدر الله
This is My remembrance upon your level, not upon the level of God.
يشهد بذلك ما في علم الله لو انتم تعرفون
It is being witnessed, which is the knowledge of God, if you could understand,
ويشهد بذلك لسان الله لو انتم تفقهون
and it is being witnessed, the tongue of God, if you could perceive,
تالله لو نكشف الحجاب انتم تنصعقون
By God! If We disclose the veil, you would be astonished.
ايّاكم ان تجادلوا في الله وامره
Beware! Lest you argue in God and His Ordinances,
انّه ظهر على شأن احاط ما كان وما يكون
Indeed He has manifested upon such a rank that encompassing whatever was and whatever will be.
لو نتكلّم في هذا المقام بلسان اهل الملكوت
If We speak in this position by the tongue of residents of the Kingdom,
لنقول قد خلق الله ذلك المكتب قبل خلق السّموات والارض
We would say, God has created that studies before creation of the skies and land,
ودخلنا فيه قبل ان يقترن الكاف بركنها النّون
and We entered in it, before Kaaf had joined with its part Noon .
هذا لسان عبادي في ملكوتي تفكّروا فيما ينطق به لسان اهل جبروتي
This is the tongue of My servant in My kingdom, contemplate in it which speak by the tongue of inhabitants of My dictatorship,
بما علّمناهم علماً من لدنّا
because We have taught them the knowledge from Our side,
وما كان مستوراً في علم الله
and what was concealed from the knowledge of God,
وما ينطق به لسان العظمة والاقتدار في مقامه المحمود
and what was spoken by the tongue of Greatness and ability in the Honored station.
ليس هذا امر تلعبون به باوهامكم
It is not an ordinance to play by your illusions
وليس هذا مقام يدخل فيه كلّ جبان موهوم
and nor is this station to enter in it every coward hypocrite.
تالله هذا مضمار المكاشفة والانقطاع
By God! This is the track of vision and detachment,
وميدان المشاهدة والارتفاع
and is the field of observation and climbing ,
لا يجول فيه الاّ فوارس الرّحمن
cannot navigate it except the cavaliers of the Gracious one,
الّذين نبذوا الامكان اولئك انصار الله في الارض
those who have left the possibilities, they are the supporters of God in the earth
ومشارق الاقتدار بين العالمين
and the brightening ability among the universes.
ايّاكم ان يمنعكم ما في البيان عن ربّكم الرّحمن
Beware! Lest you prevent which is in the Bayan from your Gracious Lord,
تالله انّه قد نزّل لذكري لو انتم تعرفون
By God! Indeed it has been sent down for My remembrance, if you could understand,
لا يجد منه المخلصون الاّ عرف حبّي واسمي
the sincere ones do not find from it except the fragrance of My love and My name,
المهيمن على كلّ شاهد ومشهود
the Dominant over all witnesses and the witnessed.
قل يا قوم توجّهوا الى ما نزّل من قلمي الاعلى
Say O nation! focus towards which is sent down from My Supreme Pen,
ان وجدتم منه عرف الله لا تعترضوا عليه
if you find from it the understanding of God, do not object on it,
ولا تمنعوا انفسكم عن فضل الله والطافه
and do not prevent yourself from the favor of God and His kindness.
كذلك ينصحكم الله انّه لهو النّاصح العليم
Thus God advises you, indeed He is, who is the Adviser the Knowledgeable.
ما لا عرفتموه من البيان
Which you do not understand that from the Bayan,
فاسئلوا الله ربّكم ورب ابآئكم الأوّلين
then ask God, your Lord and the Lord of your earlier forefathers,
انّه لو يشآء يبيّن لكم ما نزّل فيه
Indeed if He wants, will describe for you what sent down in it
وما ستر في بحر كلماته من لئالي العلم والحكمة
and what is hidden in the sea of His words from the pearls of knowledge and wisdom.
انّه لهو المهيمن على الاسمآء لا اله الاّ هو المهيمن القيّوم
Indeed He is, who is the Dominant over the names, there is no god except Him, , the Dominant Existing one.
قد اضطرب النّظم من هذا النّظم الاعظم
The system has been upset from this greatest System,
واختلف التّرتيب بهذا البديع
and there is different arrangement by this Admirable,
الّذي ما شهدت عين الابداع شبهه
that which has been witnessed by the eye of innovation, similar of that.
اغتمسوا في بحر بياني
Plunge into the sea of My Statement,
لعلّ تطّلعون بما فيه من لئالي الحكمة والاسرار
perhaps you could understand which are in it, from the pearls of the wisdom and secrets.
ايّاكم ان توقّفوا في هذا الامر
Beware! Lest you stop from this Ordinance,
الّذي به ظهرت سلطنة الله واقتداره
from which manifested is the Sovereignty of God and His Mightiness,
اسرعوا اليه بوجوه بيضآء
hasten towards Him with the radiant faces.
هذا دين الله من قبل ومن بعد
This is the religion of God from early and afterward.
من اراد فليقبل ومن لم يرد فانّ الله لغنيّ عن العالمين
Who wants, should accept, and who does not want, then however indeed God is Self-Sufficient over the universes.
قل هذا لقسطاس الهدى لمن في السّـموات والارض
Say! This is the scale of guidance for those who are in the heavens and land,
والبرهان الاعظم لو انتم تعرفون
and the greatest proof, if you could understand.
قل به ثبت كلّ حجّـة في الاعصار لو انتم توقنون
Say! by this, prove all the justifications of the ages if you could believe.
قل به استغنى كلّ فقير وتعلّم كلّ عالم
Say! by this, gets enriched every needy and is educated every scholar
وعرج من اراد الصّـعود الى الله
and ascends who wants to climb towards God.
ايّـاكم ان تختلفوا فيه
Beware! Lest you opposed in it,
كونوا كالجبال الرّواسخ في امر ربّكم العزيز الودود
be the steadfast like the mountain, in the ordinance of your Lord, the Dearest Lover.
قل يا مطلع الاعراض دع الاغماض
Say O the risers of the symptoms! leave the confusions,
ثمّ انطق بالحقّ بين الخلق
then speak with the truth among the creations,
تالله قد جرت دموعي على خدودي
by God, my tears have taken place upon my cheek,
بما اراك مقبلاً الى هواك ومعرضاً عمّن خلقك وسوّاك
due to watching you in front of your passion and turning away Who created you and fashioned you.
اذكر فضل مولاك اذ ربّيناك في اللّيالي والايّام لخدمة الامر
Remember the favor of your Lord when We nurtured you in the nights and days to serve the ordinance,
اتّق الله وكن من التّآئبين
Fear God and be from the repentant ones.
هبني اشتبه على النّاس امرك
My gift suspects him, your work is over human being,
هل يشتبه على نفسك
is that suspected upon yourself ?
خف عن الله ثمّ اذكر اذ كنت قآئماً لدى العرش
Be afraid of God, then remember when you were standing before the Throne,
وكتبت ما القيناك من ايات الله المهيمن المقتدر القدير
and wrote what We conveyed you from the verses of God, the Dominant the Competent Capable.
ايّاك ان تمنعك الحميّة عن شطر الاحديّة
Beware! Lest prevents you the fanaticism from the direction of Oneness,
توجّه اليه ولا تخف من اعمالك
Proceed to Him and do not fear from your deeds.
انّه يغفر من يشآء بفضل من عنده
Indeed He forgives to whom He wills, by the favor from His side,
لا اله الاّ هو الغفور الكريم
there is no god except Him, the Bountiful Forgiver.
انّما ننصحك لوجه الله
However We advise you for the direction of God.
ان اقبلت فلنفسك
If you accept، then it is for yourself,
وان اعرضت انّ ربّك غنيّ عنك وعن الّذين اتّبعوك بوهم مبين
and if you reject, indeed your Lord is Sufficient from you and from those who follow you by the obvious illusion .
قد اخذ الله من اغواك فارجع اليه
God has held who deceive you, then revert to Him,
خاضعاً خاشعاً متذلّلاً انّه يكفّر عنك سيّئاتك
submissively, devotedly, humbly , indeed He will remove from you your sins,
انّ ربّك لهو التّوّاب العزيز الرّحيم
indeed your Lord, He is the Forgiver the Dearest the Merciful.
هذا نصح الله لو انت من السّامعين
This is the advice of God if you are from the listeners,
هذا فضل الله لو انت من المقبلين
This is the favor of God if you are from the well-wishers,
هذا ذكر الله لو انت من الشّاعرين
This is the remembrance of God if you are from the poetics,
هذا كنز الله لو انت من العارفين
This is the treasures of God if you are from the understanding ones..
هذا كتاب اصبح مصباح القدم للعالم
This is the Book, has become the forever lamp for the universe,
وصراطه الاقوم بين العالمين
and its path is the straightest among the universes.
قل انّه لمطلع علم الله لو انتم تعلمون
Say! indeed it is to understand the knowledge of God if you could know,
ومشرق اوامر الله لو انتم تعرفون
and bright are the ordinances of God if you could understand.
لا تحملوا على الحيوان ما يعجز عن حمله
Do not load over the animal which incapacitates from carrying,
انّا نهيناكم عن ذلك نهياً عظيماً في الكتاب
indeed We prohibit you from this, the greatest prohibition in the Book.
كونوا مظاهر العدل والانصاف بين السّموات والارضين
Be manifesting ones of the justice and equity among the skies and lands.
من قتل نفساً خطأً فله دية مسلّمة الى اهلها
Whoever kills a person by mistake, then for him an axiom fine for his people,
وهي مائة مثقال من الذّهب
and that is hundred mithqals from the gold.
اعملوا بما امرتم به في اللّوح ولا تكوننّ من المتجاوزين
Act upon whatever is ordered to you by this tablet, and be not from the encroachers.
يا اهل المجالس في البلاد اختاروا لغة من اللّغات
O people of the assemblies in the countries! choose the language from the languages
ليتكلّم بها من على الارض وكذلك من الخطوط
to speak by this who are over the land, and likewise from the writings.
انّ الله يبيّن لكم ما ينفعكم ويغنيكم عن دونكم
Indeed God describe for you which benefit you and enrich you from other than you.
انّه لهو الفضّال العليم الخبير
Indeed He is, who is the Beneficent , the Knowledgeable Expert.
هذا سبب الاتّحاد لو انتم تعلمون
This is the cause of unity, if you could know,
والعلّة الكبرى للاتّفاق والتّمدّن لو انتم تشعرون
and the major reason for the agreement and civilization, if you could observe.
انّا جعلنا الامرين علامتين لبلوغ العالم
Indeed We established both ordinances, both symptoms are for the maturity of the world,
الاوّل وهو الاسّ الاعظم نزّلناه في الواح اخرى
the first one, and that is the greatest base, We have sent down that in the other Tablets,
والثّاني نزّل في هذا اللّوح البديع
and the second one is sent down from this Admirable Tablet.
قد حرّم عليكم شرب الافيون
Forbidden upon you to infuse the opium,
انّا نهيناكم عن ذلك نهياً عظيماً في الكتاب
indeed We prohibit you from this, the greatest prohibition in the Book,
والّذي شرب انّه ليس منّي
and he who infuses, indeed he is not from Me,
اتّقوا الله يا اولي الالباب
fear God, O the people of wisdom.